Pisces Horoscope for October 2012

Pisces Horoscope for October 2012

Posted on in Pisces |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This may be a time of trial, Pisces, but it is also one of renewed hope and of ultimate possibility. Although you have spent months in self-examination, you are now exploring your depths in a different way than before. Limitation brings important lessons. Perhaps, along the path, you might encounter issues of old wounds that have never been fully healed. This trauma could stem from your early years, but it remains palpably present for you, and will continue to haunt you and possibly even sabotage your best efforts unless and until you can confront the past with a fresh attitude. Acceptance of yourself at all levels is key. Then, you must be brave and willing to go wherever your process takes you. Like a persistent diver you will be able to eventually bring up treasure.

As the month begins, you are still rolling in the wake of the wild Full Moon from the last weekend of September that aligned with Uranus and Pluto, augmenting the trickster energy of Uranus in your sector of resources and values. Your finances have been bobbing up and down like a cork in a rapidly flowing stream, and perhaps one lesson there is not to depend on anything as ephemeral as monetary stability to feed your sense of psychological security. With Pluto indicating a thorough-going transformation of your goals, you are all about opening up your universe still further for yourself right now, and this concept must take precedence over business as usual.

One way to describe the upcoming monthly cycle extending through to the end of October, is as a huge learning curve. You are seeking first and foremost to better understand your internal world, and then proceeding to take this knowledge along with you with fresh perspective and renewed purpose into daily activity. This is so because the Sun currently resides in your eighth sector of intimacy and personal evolution, while your co-ruler Jupiter, aligned with the Sun, is well-placed within your sector of home, family and tribe. It is possible that family matters will dominate your investigations over this time period.

Since Saturn is also moving into your Higher Mind sector, there to trine Neptune in your identity sector, which it co-rules with Jupiter, you are getting serious about the perspective shifts that accompany transformation of how you see yourself moving forward with your life.

Another factor in your current astrology is the planetoid Chiron, conjunct to Neptune in your first solar sector of identity and sense of self. Because of the intensity of the aspects that Chiron is making with other important planets right now, it is possible that painful experiences from your past will come up for review and reexamination in new ways. Any early trauma that has been walled away and not fully integrated could be up for a closer look. Acceptance of yourself at all levels, wounds and all, is vital in order that you move on with your life.

Detailed Monthly Forecast

The Last Quarter Moon of Monday, October 8th, introduces a thoughtful period of time when you are more internally present than outer world oriented. This lunar phase suggests a time for reassessment, while Mars in your career sector indicates a time of renewed activity. Since both are true for you now, you are not only dwelling within yourself, but reaching out to others around you also. It is in essence a serious point of view that you currently bring, and you win when you remember to meditate on inner realities. You are akin to a deep sea diver investigating sunken wreckage, and the metaphor is apt, because it could well be that you will discover treasure.

The New Moon a week later, taking place on Monday, October 15th, brings fresh energy to your purpose. It is therefore a good time to stop and think just what your purpose involves before plunging in. While your finances have been fluctuating, you are making a strong stand for yourself in finding another way to value what you do and who you are at the core. As the remainder of the fall period unfolds, this sense of mission might be your most important product. There are also plenty of indications that only by paying attention to what is going on inside of yourself will you have the chance to move forward with your life more gracefully. You are beginning to understand new levels of what has gone before to make you who you are today, and it is a lovely gift to be able to more fully embrace this awareness, and to honor yourself in all your many facets.

The First Quarter Moon of Sunday evening, October 21st, and extending into the next day, brings up a certain amount of normal tension as well as questioning of your ultimate intention. This is natural in a less than ideal world such as you, along with everyone else, find yourself in. You very well might hit a few snags in pursuing your dreams of better connection with yourself and with important others in your life, but your seriousness of purpose will eventually carry you through.

The intense Full Moon of Monday, October 29th, again strongly hits Pluto. Mars is also highlighted, so that in the midst of an active time, you continue to confront massive change. You could be in for a rough time to the extent that you hold back from letting your evolutionary intention move through you. Rather than fighting the tide of your progress, it might be best to just let go. The cosmos has your best interest at heart, always, so that you can rest easy in that trust. When you carefully assess things without fear you might find that although something is lost in living your life, every day, something important is gained as well.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
From $14.95

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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