Pisces Horoscope for September 2012

Pisces Horoscope for September 2012

Posted on in Pisces |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

You are turning a corner, Pisces. You have been well aware of the importance of partnership in your life but now that takes on a whole new meaning in the light of recent life path researches that you have been conducting. You have their input but you find that it doesn't take you anywhere you didn't already know you were anyway heading. Your home base looms as more important than ever, and you are developing a mission statement for your path forward that you can really believe in. As you do and as you begin to execute on it, peace settles over you. Toward year's end you continue to revel in your inner work and look forward with greater confidence to see your future unfolding just as it was supposed to, all along.

As the month begins, you are feeling your way forward into greater wholeness. As you continue riding the wave of the powerful lunations of August, enlightenment is landing on your head as fast as you can possibly absorb it. You have both destructive Pluto in your sector of wishes and hopes and societal involvement, and as well brain-storming Uranus in your sector of resources. It is really quite likely that your ideas of where you are actually headed have been a moving target lately, while your finances have been fluctuating like a flag in a hurricane. It helps to stand quite still for a moment and attempt to find the deeper meaning of these potential trials.

You are being put through the wringer of radical change for an evolutionary purpose, so that you might grow in character, and in the process shed old and outmoded parts of yourself that no longer serve you. As Gerard Manly Hopkins puts it in describing his wrestling match with God: "Why, that my chaff might fly/ My grain lie shear and clear." Pinpointing exactly what within you is of this throwaway category might be more than just a bit difficult. It helps when you can be as observant as possible regarding everything that is happening to you, seeking to examine it from several different angles before jumping to any conclusion.

Deep areas of internal wounding could be coming to the surface of your conscious awareness now for healing, as these, symbolized by the planetoid Chiron are definitely up for you as well right now. Chiron is termed by modern astrologers the Wounded Healer. Chiron has received multiple powerful aspects from all the outer planets in recent months, and over this pivotal September time period continues to receive them, in spades. There could indeed be places within you that you rarely visit consciously, but which nevertheless have the power to take over your reactions in a sudden instant, a moment that you can utilize, upon reflection, as clues to their underlying presence.

If these deep places exist for you, they have long been buried away within your psyche as the residue of early trauma; and could perhaps stem from a time when you were young to be able to consciously integrate the pain of whatever events were then unfolding. When you first of all begin to acknowledge the presence of these walled-off parts of yourself you make important progress toward healing these issues, and when you begin to accept yourself in these areas you make still more.

Partnership issues are one place where these challenges could surface now, and where awareness can therefore strike without warning. You win when you attempt to catch it when it does.

Detailed Monthly Forecast

With the Last Quarter Moon of Saturday, September 8th, you are mulling over these and other realizations that come to you as you reassess the events of the past three weeks of the lunar cycle. This has been a period generally of sudden enlightenment and this second week of the month, even more so. There is a degree of conflict that you will experience over this time period, gradually fading, that could involve partners as well as family members, but you also possess at this time a fundamental optimism that will allow you to shine through the raindrops and emerge if not unscathed, at least undiscouraged.

The New Moon of Saturday, September 15th, takes place in your partnership sector and presages a fresh start for yourself in this important area. It may be that new connections will emerge for you in your life over the next four weeks of the New Moon cycle, or it might also be that new wrinkles and solutions will appear within existing relationships. In either case, what is generated is a greater sense of understanding of your true situation with respect to significant others in your life.

The First Quarter Moon takes place on Saturday, September 22nd, a day that coincides with the Fall Equinox, when the Sun enters your intimacy sector. The implication is definitely there for better and deeper connection with romantic partnerships in your life, but the influence of this important juncture operates in at least two other very different directions, especially since you are still deep in your process of understanding where it is that you are truly headed. One factor is a boost to your own internal understanding of where you are well-functioning, and where still caught, as you move through the immense transformations of this time period, while the other is for deeper connection within yourself, and for the sense of Spirit that dwells within you, as exemplified by those others that you encounter in the external world.

With the Full Moon of the last weekend of the month, taking place on Saturday, September 29th, you enter into a plateau of meaning that enables you to have a better view of the surrounding territory. Issues of self and other could come up for you at this time, as well as surprising events that could catalyze your own burgeoning understanding of your true situation. What you are after is a better connection between yourself at all levels, which has a ripple effect on all your relationships.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
From $14.95

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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