Pisces Horoscope for November 2012

Pisces Horoscope for November 2012

Posted on in Pisces |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

Things are getting strange, Pisces, although somehow still sane. You are basically comfortable inside your own skin, and at home in the world around you, but there is an element that keeps intruding into your relatively peaceful existence with an alien shock that is simultaneously a shock of recognition. An important factor underlying your everyday behavior is coming more and more into the light as this epic year unfolds, and while you recognize the feelings that are engendered there, they have long been held away from the center of your awareness. This is a supremely meditative time, with Mercury in retrograde, and it makes sense to take advantage of the moment. You honor the flow of the cosmos, and yourself, when you give your interior walled-off places the attention and the acceptance that they seek.

As the month begins, you are digging down more and more thoroughly into the matter-less stuff of your own inner world. This has been an interesting cycle, over these past few weeks, when you are coming right up against the amazing concept that was already known somewhere inside; we are indeed made mostly of insubstantial dream material, just as our bodies are mostly made of water, and the physical atoms of that water of almost entirely empty space that mimics the proverbial creative void of eastern philosophy. The cosmic cycles imply that there is right now for you a powerful motivation to explore the creative vastness that resides within you, and by which you are already so well known.

The Uranus-Pluto square that has been so often triggered in recent lunations has symbolically led you to this place of revision of everything that you have previously known. There is a great intuitional power that Uranus represents and as for Pluto, symbolic lord of underworld journeying and of deep and massive transformation, that heavyweight outer planet resides this decade in your sector of future plans and societal connection, important areas of your life that are in due for a sea-change.

The impending retrograde of Mercury, taking place early this month, on the 6th , in your career sector, because of its reverse motion, lends some weight to the idea of inner rather than outer work. You are thinking harder and with greater soul-level purpose, perhaps regarding ancient wounds that have been coming recently to light, and which themselves have so much to do with a withdrawn phenomenon of lost feelings, eclipsed and stored away in deep interior realms since early childhood.

It is yet another paradox to imagine that thinking could somehow get you where you need to go in resolving these wounded places. And yet your mental exertions could possibly help. Your philosophical agenda becomes one of amassing the diver's weights that you need to continue your journey downward against the pressures of the superficial world and in contrast to the tendency of your own unconscious process to defend its silent territory.

There is nothing quite so scary about this voyage as your fevered imagination might be indicating; it is all part of a natural process of reconnecting with your very soul-level awareness, however you might be inclined to define it. You are along with the rest of humanity, confused; on one level recoiling in horror over what the modern world has wrought, with changes in human inter-connection and in the way we currently treat each other; and yet with some part of yourself you are ready to accept the world in all its strangeness. As you do, you simultaneously embrace yourself at these deeper layers as well, even though it is a difficult amalgam that is thereby engendered.

Detailed Monthly Forecast

With the Last Quarter Moon of Tuesday, November 6th, entirely coincident with the retrograde of Mercury in a prominent area of your solar chart, you are driven back upon yourself to somehow reconcile to a darker, but not necessarily a more dismal, conception of everything that has been going on with you recently in surface events. You might take the opportunity to journal about your life's inner meaning, or to engage in deep conversation with your peers. Synchronicity is strong right now; surprising events could transpire that must be considered from the broadest possible standpoint.

The powerful New Moon and Solar Eclipse of a week later on, taking place in your higher mind sector on Tuesday, November 13th, gets you further along on your path of deep reflective meditation and represents additional cosmic concurrence with what you already know, and it is this: that your present environment, both internal and external, is nothing symbolically even remotely resembling Kansas anymore. This is a new day for you in many ways, including the depth of your transformation regarding dreams and schemes for future expansion, and not least the depth exploration in which you continue to be engaged.

With the First Quarter Moon a week later, taking place on Tuesday, November 20th, you might find that reality is inserting a monkey-wrench into at least some of your ventures. Mercury is still in retrograde in any case, so that it is not considered a good time to be pushing the river; but nevertheless you are pushing somewhat and finding it harder to do so leading up to and through this juncture. An increase in the tension between private and public concerns is one hallmark for you of this time period, although it can also be a creative tension that is productive. Even though initiating a phase that spells difficulties, the Moon enters your sign this day as well, making for a more comfortable time than might otherwise be expected.

The moment of the Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon of Wednesday, November 28th, is a special one, with Uranus, Pluto and also Chiron still firmly in the configurations of this powerful fall period, highlighting your ongoing cosmic journey into wholeness. You can only take in so much at any one time or it feels like getting your drink of water from a fire hydrant, but as much as you are ready for, the cosmos has it to give. The universe is, as the poet says, like a bellows; always emptying and always full.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
From $14.95

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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