A Last Quarter Moon of Embodied Integration

A Last Quarter Moon of Embodied Integration

The Last Quarter Moon of July 24, taking place at 6:18 PM on the west coast, later in the evening for points east, marks an important turning point in terms of our integration of the lessons and processes that have arisen during the intensely transformational eclipses of July. This recent Eclipse Season began with a Solar Eclipse in Cancer on July 2nd, and ended...

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A Full Moon Eclipse of Major Change

A Full Moon Eclipse of Major Change

Tuesday’s Lunar Eclipse, the follow-up to the Solar Eclipse and New Moon of Tuesday, July 2nd, takes place on Tuesday, July 16th at 2:38 PM on the West Coast, later in the afternoon and evening for points east, and represents a rather dramatic astrological event. In this Full Moon, the Moon is closely conjunct a powerfully configured Pluto, signifier of...

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Mercury Retrograde July 2019: Reflections of Shadow & Light

Mercury Retrograde July 2019: Reflections of Shadow & Light

Mercury’s retrograde journey from July 7th – 31st, 2019 marks a time encouraging each of us to reflect inwardly upon our beliefs, creative expression, healing, and emotional wellbeing. Mercury stations retrograde at 4º : 28 of the fixed fire sign of Leo, and in a very close conjunction to Mars, and will then move backward into the cardinal water...

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A Solar Eclipse of Forging the Evolutionary Path

A Solar Eclipse of Forging the Evolutionary Path

The Solar Eclipse New Moon of July 2nd, 2019, exact at 12:15 pm Pacific time, will take place at 10° + of the cardinal Water sign of Cancer in alignment with the Moon’s nodal axis. This marks the beginning of an Eclipse Season that brings significant transformative unfolding in our personal lives and collective realms. Eclipses are representative of...

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June 2019 Cancer Solstice: Powerful Choice and Spiritual Connection

June 2019 Cancer Solstice: Powerful Choice and Spiritual Connection

This Cancer Solstice, taking place on June 21st, is a potent day, with the astrology suggesting an intense collective metamorphosis around power, evolution, and connection to the divine. The Cancer Solstice is the time each year when the Sun reaches its northern-most point in our sky, which means it’s the longest day of the year and the beginning of Summer...

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