Libra Horoscope for February 2023

Libra Horoscope for February 2023

Posted on in Libra |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another significant monthly cycle for you, Libra. The Aquarius New Moon in your creativity sector from last month indicated a fresh start in this important area, relating to identity and self-expression, continuing into the first three weeks of February. You are also coming from a place of considering your own inner moral compass as a springboard for action, over and above what drives you from the standpoint of consensus thought or early conditioning. You are committed and also feeling somewhat limited in what you think you can accomplish within the rules of the game; simultaneously with the urge to break free into new territory. This latter idea becomes further emphasized with the Full Moon in Leo taking place on Sunday, February 5th. This is an important juncture for beginning to walk your talk, in spite of everything. You have been digging deep within yourself in recent weeks and with this timing of February’s first full week you are ready to break free into a new stage of endeavor. You now have the determination, rather than any more dwelling in the past, to act on what you now know as you head into your unlimited future self.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

Keywords: Creativity, Home-base, Partnerships, Contraction

As you enter into this month you are riding the wave from the Aquarius New Moon that took place in the last ten days of the previous one, giving you a focus for the next three weeks on your creative self-expression. You may have strong feelings of commitment to your projects, and also a sense of limitation as though you cannot get everything you want at this time. Your values might also run deep during February, including your inherent sense of what is right in a given situation, the proper thing to do, at least as far as you can tell, personally. Your philosophical worldview could be evolving toward taking your own internal guidance as a better standard over the thoughts of others.

February is a short yet eventful month that may bring confirmation or clarity, especially for the efforts invested in a project, creative pursuit, or romantic scenario. There could also be ongoing foundational changes taking place with family members or in your domestic life but it should feel progressive and help you decide on the next leg of your journey. Your ruling planet Venus is now transiting in Pisces which brings an emphasis on health, routine, and workflow. You might become aware of habits that need to be adjusted to get back on track but it may also be easier to focus on what needs to be done. Relationships of all kinds may play a role in helping you get productive and you may be able to get a lot more done when you team up with others. One of your projects or an aspirational pursuit may finally receive the attention it deserves which in turn should help you gain the confidence needed to keep going. February is a transitional month between the old and the new which could feel both exhilarating and somewhat scattering. Going with the flow while still applying some deliberate pressure where it is needed may be the best way to navigate the next few weeks.

From the 3rd through the 5th, Venus in Pisces is forming a square with Mars in Gemini, with the Full Moon in Leo arriving on the 5th. Venus squaring Mars could highlight a contrast between your everyday routine and where you aspire to be in the grand scheme of things. You may feel your immediate reality colliding against a bigger vision yet the tension could be illuminating.

The Full Moon in Leo arrives on Sunday, February 5th, and might bring some recognition for a project or a dream could be reciprocated by a community or a group of friends. This could be an important moment of integration when your labor and energy investments come to fruition or gain a wider audience in some ways. The Full Moon forms a T-square to Uranus in Taurus which may bring an unpredictable edge to a particular partnership connection or unexpected events or realizations that could highlight the variable nature of an agreement you have with someone.

From the 9th through the 11th, Mercury conjoins Pluto in Capricorn and this is an important marker in the month that could uncover meaningful insights especially for things related to your home, your family, your roots, or your deep past. Mercury enters Aquarius on the 11th which moves the focus out of the domestic and home-related part of your chart and into your creative and romantic sector. This shift might bring broader realization and philosophical changes that help you conceptualize your current challenges through a more creative lens in the following weeks while lessening the pressure you may have been putting on yourself.

On the 15th and 16th, Venus in Pisces forms a conjunction with Neptune and the Sun conjoins Saturn in Aquarius, which may bring two distinct influences. On one hand, you may feel a momentum building for personal projects or in your creative and romantic life that requires discipline and time investments. However, with Venus conjoining Neptune in Pisces, your daily life can distract you from the essentials and you could be compelled to just go with the flow which is not necessarily a bad thing either.

The New Moon in Pisces arrives on the late evening of the 19th, early morning of the 20th, which may signal a transitional phase that could find you tying up loose ends and attending to the logistical aspects of your life while sorting out what is truly important. This could be a time for reassessment and renewal, especially for things pertaining to your partnerships and also might bring you closer to more fully understanding a mission of service that you feel toward the larger collective for this lifetime.

Venus enters Aries on the 20th where she will emphasize your relationships with others versus your need for autonomy in the weeks ahead.

The last days of February could bring traction for negotiations and innovative solutions for pre-existing issues. Your ability to have your finger on the pulse could give you a lot to work with and improve your workload considerably. Mercury in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus on the 21st and the 22nd and this could bring creative tension to your collaborations. While on the 21st through the 23rd, Mercury forming a trine with Mars in Gemini could link various areas of your life into a cohesive whole, helping you make sense of the big picture. On the 27h, the First Quarter Moon takes place in your sector of beliefs and worldview, and brings up a question mark for you regarding the right way for you to make your way into March, including how you can celebrate your key partnerships. Discernment is required as well as consultation with your deepest intuitional principles to find your own unique path forward.

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