A Leo Full Moon of Unexpected Beauty

A Leo Full Moon of Unexpected Beauty

The Full Moon in Leo arrives in its culmination on February 5th, at about 10:30 am PT, later in the day for points east, and is a significant lunation, potentially bringing wild tides of unexpected events and startling insight. This is because the Moon, occupying 16º Leo, opposite the same degree of the Aquarius Sun, makes along with the Sun a very nearly...

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An Aquarius New Moon of Considered Action

An Aquarius New Moon of Considered Action

Saturday’s New Moon, taking place in the early degrees of Aquarius at 12:53 PM PT, later in the day for the east coast and Europe, is rather fascinating in the outer planet connections that it harbors. The Sun at 1:33 Aquarius lies in almost perfect square with the new Nature planet, Haumea, at 1 Scorpio. Saturn is at 24 Aquarius in this New Moon...

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A Full Moon of Introspection, Missed Connections, and Unusual Insights

A Full Moon of Introspection, Missed Connections, and Unusual Insights

The Cancer Full Moon comes along on Friday January 6th, at 3:08 PM PST, or 6:08 PM EST, late evening for Europe. This Full Moon, at 16 + degrees of Cancer, is rather amazing in its connection with the personal planet retrogrades of Mars and of Mercury that dominate the entire January month. As such, this Full Moon will emphasize the inward turning of this fraught...

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A Capricorn New Moon of Practicality and Abundance

A Capricorn New Moon of Practicality and Abundance

The New Moon arrives in purposeful Capricorn on December 23rd at 2:17 am PT, inviting us to wind down the year with a balance of contemplation and celebration. This New Moon strides into its exact position just after the Capricorn Solstice of the 21st, the turning point of the seasons and an important juncture. In this subsequent New Moon, we find the Sun and Moon...

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A Gemini Full Moon of Evaluation and Choice

A Gemini Full Moon of Evaluation and Choice

The upcoming Full Moon culminates in the airy realms of Gemini, arriving in its exact position on December 7th at 8:08pm, Pacific time. Minds may be set ablaze, and communications colored by a fiery intensity around this Full Moon time. This is due to Mars’ presence making a very nearly exact conjunction to the Moon and opposition to the Sun. Mars is well...

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