Posted on September 1, 2012 in Capricorn
By Henry Seltzer for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes
You are getting clearer, Capricorn. Even as you succeed admirably in outer world pursuits, there have been intimations of big changes coming through you to you from deep inside yourself, as well as an understandable hesitation to fully take an irrevocable plunge. Your train is running along smoothly and why rock it' But as this monthly cycle continues to unfold, and helpful partners interject their messages for your consideration, you are being swayed subtly forward. With the drum-beat of your transformation still ringing in your ears, you are beginning to feel an exhilarating sense of mission for a path that is uniquely your own. You might not be ready to completely jump the tracks and take off across the unexplored fields and meadows, but something deep inside your awareness is telling you to take a chance.
As the month begins, you are faced with transformation. You are beginning to recognize that you are going to have to find some new methods to get over and to somehow find your way through. You are still in the midst of a massive process of renewal and revitalization, symbolized by Pluto and Uranus in square formation. In the wake of prior revelations, and with the waves of current ones also, you are leaving behind the old skeleton of whatever must discarded as no longer serving you.
Destructive Pluto in your identity sector represents radical transformation, while changeable Uranus remains in square to Pluto, therefore a powerfully activated factor, occupying your sector of home and family. This indicates that inner realizations are the source of a constant yet inconsistent stream of data that have the cumulative effect of undermining your very foundations, allowing you to float free; as scary as that might sound and as unworkable it might be in defense of your life's status quo. It might simply be that you will have to accept another reality as your working hypothesis, moving forward. The signs are on the wall.
A can-do attitude takes you far, and that has always been your rock to lean on, but what is really required at this stage is greater flexibility in accepting the new mandate for life action that is being thrust upon you. This is not only necessary but even a distinct improvement on current conditions. When you are stuck in a rut or have reached the end of your tether, why then, the only thing to do is to break the tie of whatever it is that holds you to the track and strike out for unknown territory.
Detailed Monthly Forecast
With the Last Quarter Moon of Saturday, September 8th, you are feeling cautiously optimistic. This is a time of renewed faith in yourself, but also of reconsideration of what recent events have really meant for you in terms of the ultimate question of who in the world you really are. As you mull over these past three weeks of the cycle, you are reconstituting your understanding and even your beliefs. The urge to travel is upon you now as well, which can also be seen as a metaphor for revisiting your point of view. Archimedes said that with a place to stand he could move the world and this is your actual goal, since the world that you in fact inhabit is the one you visualize.
With the New Moon of Saturday, September 15th, you are coming into tons of fresh energy for your process of increasing awareness, and for making concretely happen the changes in your life that you have come to desire. You are visualizing a different future for yourself than anything that you previously expected, and are also recognizing that there will have to be adjustments to be made, going forward. Painful places within you are spurs for growth right now, as you are beginning to express.
With the First Quarter Moon in your sign a week later, taking place on Saturday, September 22nd and coincident with the Fall Equinox, you are coming into a new conception of what it would take to get you over. Conflicts could arise, but if they do will hopefully be grist for your mill of attempting to understand yourself at deeper and deeper levels. You are skating on thin ice right now in terms of your sense of psychological security but you are getting used to the feeling and almost comfortable with it as long as you don't look down.
When the final weekend of the month rolls around, with the Full Moon of Saturday evening, September 29th, you will have reached an important plateau of balance and of meaning. You might encounter surprising developments on the family front or with a building project, or within your circle of friends and tribe. These could prove daunting, but might also be just the aha moment that you need to send you along to your next stage.
With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.
Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.
All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!
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