Capricorn Horoscope for August 2012

Capricorn Horoscope for August 2012

Posted on in Capricorn |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is the time of your life, Capricorn, both in terms of your own individual arc of development and in collusion with important partners. Your ongoing transformation these past few years has been massive and is yet far from complete. A series of profound intuitional leaps that arise unbidden from your responses to events and circumstances have recently rocked your world. In this current stage, changes in style and substance that have thus bubbled up from your inside are challenging your almost exclusively outer world focus. This allows you to give credit to family and tribe, and as well to interpersonal relationships. You are re-thinking and re-imagining your relationship dynamic as a vital component for navigating your own pathway forward and for engaging in a more flexible connection yourself with universal principles.

As the month begins, you are feeling the strong presences of Uranus and Pluto, operating within the cardinal sectors of your chart. This has been an intense year, especially since the mid-month New Moon of last July, a time in which your identity is shifting in subtle ways with effects that are at times not so subtle. There is a destabilization at the center that while disturbing could also become a powerful factor in recognizing and coming to terms with what you are currently up to. It has lately been a confusing time as well, since Neptune is also powerfully configured and occupying your communication sector just at the point of Mercury's descent into backward motion so it is not only difficult to tell which end is up, it is even harder to express your truth to others around you.

You suspect that your spiritual evolution is deeply involved in all this, but the surface layers of your mind won't even come close to understanding what it's all about at the deeper levels. On the other hand, all your experience to date in this society has acculturated you into believing that your surface mentality is all that there is. That is one reason that this time period is so important. With Mercury running backwards through your sector of personal evolution and deep inner work, you paradoxically have a better chance now at understanding what you need to be able to master. This is in order that you make progress on your most important product, namely yourself.

Your ruler Saturn is also powerfully configured at the top of your chart, in your sector of career and professional life, and also somewhat conflicted. It is no wonder that your little mind — as opposed to the larger more universal conscious that you also partake of — has trouble getting straight on what is actually required to be enabled to be of true service in the world. It is possible that over the course of this monthly cycle you will come closer to figuring that out.

Detailed Monthly Forecast

The Full Moon taking place on the evening of Wednesday, August 1st, brings all these themes to mind and to greater emphasis. You are operating from an optimistic position of can-do, although again the confusion of motives brings everything into question: can do what, exactly? You are potentially able to find a way through with the help of other points of view less practical than yours, although it is the ultimate practicality that you seek in the long run. The retrograde of Mercury continues, bringing you into a self-reflective mode and creating communication that is mystically derived.

The Last Quarter Moon of Thursday, August 9th, traditionally initiates a time of questioning and reassessing the conclusions and the events of the past three weeks of the lunation cycle, since mid-July. Mercury, now direct but still wobbly, suggests that the introspective nature of this time period for you is intensified. Part of you is raring to go and yet with another part of yourself you are holding back.

The New Moon of Friday, August 17th, represents a fresh charge of energy for your process, and, taking place in your sector of intimacy and personal evolution, a new mandate for you to push forward with inner work as well as outer world presence. You are coming to recognize that accomplishment in the eyes of the world is only one form of success, and not even the most important one at that, unless it be translated into and equated with another form of success entirely, one that is only available to you, personally, within the secret confines of your very own mind and heart. The paradox is that while these are in some sense antithetical, they are intimately linked, and you need them both.

The First Quarter Moon of Friday, August 24th, brings up the snags as well as the heady joys in your recently more integrated approach. You can expect a degree of tension and perhaps conflict, and confusion as well as an idealization of what you are up to. Not everything will go smoothly, that much is a given, and the way that you deal with any conflicts that arise will be life-shaping as you move forward. Your overall transformation proceeds apace. This is a continuing and a slow process, that of the snake gradually outgrowing its old skin or the caterpillar within its chrysalis dissolving. In many ways it is an educational process that you have been engaged in over this powerful month, a steep learning curve that welcomes you further into the academy of universal knowledge.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
From $14.95

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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