Posted on October 2, 2012 in Capricorn
By Henry Seltzer for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes
The drum beat of your transformation continues, Capricorn, in the midst of a season of change that has only increased in intensity over recent months. Difficulties might be able to be surmounted with a change in attitude. As you forge your way forward and deal with obstacles that you encounter, you are attuned to intimations referencing dimensions of experience beyond the purely physical plane, and you are beginning to take these far more seriously. You are essentially functioning in an optimistic and energetic manner as you explore the more profound truth of what makes sense for you as mission statement going forward. You are serving yourself by serving others and it opens you up conceptually to exciting and novel worlds to conquer, from the inside out.
As the month begins, you are both enjoying the world of achievement and also retreating somewhat from that world, finding inspiration within yourself. There could be fundamental issues that plague you now, as your previously accepted worldview slips a notch or two, so that your handle on who you are and where you are truly headed could be coming into question. You sense that you are on the verge of a tremendous shift, and perhaps as well feel a sense of instability at your very core of your being. If so, this might lead you further into your own depths to find more pertinent answers.
This first week of the month is big for you, with your ruler, Saturn, entering your eleventh sector of societal connection. This symbolizes that important friendships and group affiliations are very present to you now, along with your goals for how you might move forward and the connections that you might make along the way that enable you to get yourself there. There is potential confusion in the midst of what is essentially an optimistic period of time, as you stumble a bit in seeing your way clear to rapidly developing possibilities for your career and regarding the realignment of your vision for the future.
There could be shocks that come upon you from below, as it were, regarding your family or your home environment; perhaps of these factors turning unexpectedly fluid rather than stable. As your core values are threatened, your gut instincts could take you into some unanticipated reactions and situations rather abruptly at times.
Your transformation meanwhile proceeds apace. You are gathering the information that you need to move forward with your life in a more unusual way than you ever have before. While different and therefore terrifying, this might not be quite as scary as remaining where you were, psychologically; still caught up in the same old rut.
Detailed Monthly Forecast
With the Last Quarter Moon of Monday, October 8th, you reach an important juncture. You are still on the outward arm of your trajectory, moving out into the world, but yet also thinking within yourself about how you got to your current position. This is traditionally a point in the lunar cycle when you rethink what has gone before, during the three weeks up to now. The time might be ripe for a new way of seeing yourself and your world.
The New Moon of Monday, October 15th, provides fresh energy for your ongoing voyage of discovery and of transformation, and unites your outer and your inner perspectives. You are delving down at the same time as you are journeying outward, and attempting to discern more correctly the workings of your unconscious process while simultaneously becoming excitedly involved in forging new and better connections with social groups that you choose to favor. All this activity, both inner and outer, serves your powerful purpose.
The First Quarter Moon of Sunday evening, October 21st, and the day following, could place a few bumps in the road of your progress. This is a time when you migh find yourself at odds with your process, but when there is a large dose of creative tension in the mix as well as difficulty.
The Full Moon that takes place a week later, on Monday, October 29th, is action-packed. This lunation, like the Full Moon did at the end of September, triggers Pluto in your identity sector, which continues to imply that you are in the midst of massive changes. Like the butterfly in its cocoon, you are stimulated by the imaginal cells of your new beginning, even though these at the moment may seem but distantly glimpsed peaks of a further range. You are in fact busy being born – visioning new ideas for yourself; and these are potentials that arise out of your deeply intuitional inner process. The task at hand is to make space for these visions as they occur and to stay as open as you can, no matter how absurd they might appear, to all your possibilities.
With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.
Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.
All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!
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