Capricorn Horoscope for November 2012

Capricorn Horoscope for November 2012

Posted on in Capricorn |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is an energetic season, Capricorn. You are coming at the world from an idealistic stance and although in one way totally immersed in outer world concerns, you find yourself also drawn to a subtle and almost psychic awareness; a deeply intuitional knowledge that trumps mere logic. During the first portion of the month, as Mercury begins its retrograde, you are quietly taking all this in. The mid-month Solar Eclipse in your sector of future plans represents a moment to look ahead. As the month unfolds, it becomes a better and better time for you to vision new possibilities for yourself. The full realization is difficult to wrap your mind around: you can be anything that you want to be, as long as you take full account of the wisdom of your inner world.

As the month begins, you are finding that, in the wake of the recent Full Moon in your self-expression sector, you are discovering new ways to shine. These ways take you ever more powerfully toward the inside. Your creativity is blossoming with an inner fire that glows more dimly than the floodlit scenes of triumph that you normally joy to experience. Sudden ups and downs in your inner world, and reflecting back into career decisions also, have somewhat dimmed the luster of your usual way of experiencing and that includes the simple enjoyment of ordinary accolades.

You might secretly yearn to be no more a king in the eyes of the world, but to learn the dreaming wisdom that belongs to quieter and more subtle realms. The external labels can sometimes fool you into thinking that you know the essence of a person, but just as you cannot truly judge a book by its cover, so also you cannot either judge a person that way. Instead of the external trappings of success, you are currently searching for something deeper and longer lasting, lighting a way forward that benefits not only yourself but the society around you that supports you with emotional sustenance.

Your process of transformation has been well begun over these last few months and years. It now unfolds in further and varied directions as you branch out. Something deep inside is guiding you, taking you over a course of surprising twists and turns so that a degree of stability is lost along the way; yet something is gained also, and that something is uniquely yours.

All this month your contemplative nature is asserted, in a strong chime with the retrograde of Mercury, which is in fact the ruler of your solar sector of higher mind. Through the difficulties, which are definitely there as well, arise inner strength and new ways of seeing the world around you. These allow you to begin to redefine success for yourself not so much in the eyes of the world but in terms of soul purpose.

Detailed Monthly Forecast

With the Last Quarter Moon of Tuesday, November 6th, coinciding with Election Day in America and also with the retrograde of Mercury, you are pulled even more to the inside. A form of interpersonal tension could arise, and if so it is likely to be part of a general reorganization of your thinking. This might be conceived as toward greater internal unification between different layers of your own consciousness, and as reflected back to outer levels also. Your basic conundrum right now lies in reconciling matters over where you think you need to be going in your life between your heart and your head. The heart will in the end win out, representing profound inner wisdom that you possess in greater measure than you ordinarily give credence for.

When the Solar Eclipse and New Moon hits a week later on, taking place on Tuesday, November 13th, you find that you can discover a good degree of internal fortitude in support for that softer position, together with even greater acceptance of yourself at all levels. The set of powerful changes continues working their way out in your life as they have all year. You have a natural resistance to the tidal force of the universe as it flows through you, even though you can sense the advantages of letting go of the struggle and just getting on with the direction whence cosmic currents are inclining you to proceed. There is a deep intuitional knowledge available to you now, which, while revolutionary in its direction and scope, yet remains the most conservative approach to take when considered from the standpoint of the largest possible picture of what you are really up to, satisfying requirements of your deeper purpose and for the sake of future generations.

With the First Quarter Moon of Tuesday, November 20th, some degree of tension might arise concerning these and other issues, as you grapple with what is after all a huge series of life choices that your conscious mind has little confidence is being able to make wisely. There could be communication mishaps during this last week of the retrograde of Mercury, with one peak of these at the moment of its station to direct motion, occurring on the 26th. In spite of your impatience to be getting on with things, it is not a good time to push ahead but rather to continue your process of research and reconsideration of alternatives.

The Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse that comes along on Wednesday, November 28th, represents another potent juncture that inclines you still further toward your eventual complete metamorphosis, constrained as you are by developing events and by your own internal musings. You are feeling an urgent drive to move forward with new directions right now, and also to some extent a competing feeling of holding back. Moderation works best at this time, as is frequently the case; it helps to recognize that the Mercury Retrograde period is still unwinding for the next two weeks as it escapes its retrograde shadow, so that it is still not the best time to forge ahead with new plans until mid-December.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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