Posted on November 30, 2012 in Capricorn
By Henry Seltzer for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes
This is yet another huge month for you, Capricorn. Although you are still sailing full steam ahead with career moves that continue to deliver the goods, you have lately come into awareness of a profound process that is operating deep within you, and that takes you further out of your comfort zone. You can escape by complying with an internal lust for change that has been building for months now. This is the sound of the universe gently – or perhaps at times suddenly – nudging you onto a different track altogether. What might eventually await you is very different future than the one that you thought you were headed for. This is only a problem if you refuse to go along with this cosmic mandate from your inner world, leading you onward.
As the month begins, you are surfing a wave of change that has come over you with the lunar eclipse from the final week of November. You are getting the message that as successful as you are, as well-accepted, something still remains to be discovered on the inside of your mind that will enable you to find the doorway to your next future stage. There is a voice that seems to come directly out of your unconscious process, and eventually you will want to heed it, although you also might need to wait until the timing is right.
This is an intense cycle, partly because the eclipse Moon was powerfully configured in your solar chart's sector of day-to-day activities, health and soul intention, and you are getting the feeling that something important there is calling you. There is as well a factor of partnership with significant others in your life, since the Moon rules your seventh sector of relationship. You could find in yourself and in your connections with your peers a tendency to over-idealize, and you might resist this wisely by playing the reality card, or else you could be missing the boat. It's difficult at this time for you to really discern which end is up, since Neptune is also prominent over the course of this monthly cycle; just remember that the universe is ultimately on your side.
You also are perhaps finding in others a likeable projection of your own inner self, so that a sense of discrimination must be employed. Especially in regard to the conclusion of Mercury's retrograde shadow, affecting your wishes and hopes for the future, in order to truly fathom what is actually happening to you it is best to watch and wait; gather your evidence and then make the slowest possible final determination.
In spite of everything, a feeling of optimism pervades your process now as you dive further into your own spiritual evolution and attempt to discover what lies inside you. You have the assistance of helpful angel guides even though the signals are subtle and easy to miss. If the opportunity presents itself and you have the gumption, take the ride. And if you don't take it, there is nothing to worry about, for the chance will certainly come again to you.
With the Last Quarter Moon of Thursday, December 6th, you are still groping for answers. Mercury is still just recovering from its recent retrograde, and you might find yourself re-thinking where and how you plug yourself in with social groups that you favor, and that enable the networking connections so necessary these days for true success in the outer world of business as well as in discovering your internal priorities. In this lead-up to the next lunar phase, you are re-evaluating everything that has gone on over the previous three weeks.
The New Moon of Thursday, December 13th, brings fresh energy to your purposes, although you might find that this is in a major way directed inward. You have a strong desire to plunge into the depths of your psychological reactions to home and family, which in large part originates your sense of security. There is a sense of shifting sand in some of your familial connections right now, and of being only partly of this world, as you equally inhabit an idealized world that hovers slightly beyond the physical plane. Your writing and your communication with others partakes of this spiritual bent.
At the time of the First Quarter Moon of Wednesday, December 19th, you might run into some snags in what you are attempting, your true arc of development for this monthly period. You are continuing to go through massive transformation, affecting your public persona, your standing in the world and even your sense how you connect with family and within your home environment. The Winter Solstice just two days later, on Friday the 21st, when the Sun enters your sign, marks another time of transition. You are on the whole optimistic about what you are going through, and part of this feeling of future success is predicated upon being able to let go and get on with your changes.
The Full Moon a week later, taking place on Friday, December 28th, brings a sense of fulfillment that involves partnership with others as well as within your own self. As you make the transition to the New Year, you are both surprised and energized by the presence of significant others in your life and through them also feeling a mystical connection with the universe at large, a spur to your own ongoing process of transformation.
With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.
Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.
All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!
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