Posted on April 30, 2024 in Cancer
By Henry Seltzer and Alea Balzer for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes
This is in some ways a difficult month, Cancer, in the aftermath of the potent solar eclipse from last month at the top of your chart, in your vocational sector. This featured a highlighted presence of Chiron, the Wounded Healer. The energy of this powerful New Moon therefore has healing energy for hurt places within you, stemming from early childhood, so that you do well to pay attention to these feelings if they should arise. You are also moving ahead in subtle understanding that will ultimately further your career and professional life. The strong Mercury Retrograde of the previous April month, rather than being entirely fit for direct action, was more of a chime with introspection and meditative reflection on where you might feel you have been heading. Things change with the advent of the current month, when the Moon’s last quarter arrives as a crisis of consciousness, and when Mercury is finally moving forward again, slowly recovering from the April backward movement. It is possible that with the New Moon of May 7th you will recognize hopeful signs of progress with coming to terms with whatever residue of ancient trauma might remain, on the inside, when aligning yourself with your deepest sense of principle in terms of outer world developmental progress.
The following was written by our guest columnist Alea Balzer. You can write her at
As May opens, it finds you in the final week of the Aries lunation cycle that was activated in your professional and public domain at the time last month's powerful solar eclipse. Eclipses are process-oriented, and the events they symbolize will evolve over the next six months, possibly bringing you closer to something that feels like your true calling. Because this recent solar eclipse was also directly conjunct Chiron, and elevated in your chart, the new door that is opening in your drive to self-actualize through career and profession connects also to your core vulnerabilities. If you are being called to leadership in some capacity, as well as the characteristic subject matter of your field of endeavor, that leadership must be based on self-knowledge. This may push you to confront attitudes to authority and agency that relate to family karma or early conditioning. Your conscious participation will determine the way you subjectively explore these principles or encounter them through outside forces.
On the 2nd, Pluto stations retrograde in Aquarius lending greater focus to your sector of intimacy, shared resources, and metamorphosis. Aspects to Pluto from Venus and Mars suggest relational and material realities place parameters on your urge to act in intimate connection and autonomously. This includes the benefits you receive and those you share with others. With Pluto magnified in its effects, you are called to attend to the uses of power in intimate relationship, or to go further toward deep connection with yourself, and likely have some work there left to do. For example, if there are secret places inside you that you would like to become more attentive of, now might be your chance. If you have surrendered your power to someone else in the past or over-leveraged your own, you could feel yourself transforming in these relationships or impulses, in alignment with your highest purpose, and find yourself now making further course adjustments.
A conjunction between Mercury and Chiron in Aries is active from the 5th to the 7th and may call attention to your mentorship, teaching, and healing roles. The earlier Mars-Pluto sextile may amplify urgency in working life or in collaborative scenarios, but in another way there is no need to rush. Reflection over reaction is the preferred course when you can pull that off, and will help you determine what is happening now and what old story you may be projecting onto it. While you can't rationalize your way out of how you feel, healthy emotional or physical catharsis and direct communication will prevent explosive conflagration if pressure has been building.
The Taurus New Moon on the 7th opens a fertile cycle in your sector of community and long-term goals. This is productive of better valuations of long-term goals as you perhaps strive for a better alignment with your deeper principles and values. The presence of Venus and Jupiter, rulers of the New Moon and Full Moon, emphasizes harmonious and constructive growth within your interpersonal landscape, possibly following a period of instability. You may carry an air of visibility or authority right now, with some social or professional influence. Associations that share common ground or new ambitions you are working towards may be fortuitous at this juncture and could set the tone for some years to come. The luminaries aspect Saturn in Pisces by sextile, indicating this evolution aligns with recalibration in your broader life or spiritual philosophies, teaching, or travel.
The Sun conjoins Uranus in Taurus on the 12th and 13th. You being exactly you will attract the connections that are right for you—just be flexible about the way opportunities and allies show up. This begins a series of reverberations connected to the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction that extend into May. Life will show you what long-term goals and connections may not need to be carried into the future. You could feel a little overstimulated, but your zest is high
On the 15th, the First Quarter Moon in Leo indicates topics connected to your self-esteem and personal resources, including time, energy, and skills, could feature in your considerations. Mercury joins the planetary buildup in Taurus on the same day, applying to a square with Pluto, active until the 18th. Mercury having escaped its retrograde shadow a few days earlier, conversations may more easily get to the heart of an issue and things begin to move forward.
A Jupiter Cazimi arrives on the 18th alongside the second day of Venus' conjunction with Uranus. Release of outdated social obligations or criteria about how and with whom you spend time may lead to unexpected friendships or activities. It's a lucky day to socialize and begin things with others — your widening network may include mutually beneficial associations that help further ambitions, new love interests, and creative connections.
These energies overlap with Mars' conjunction with the North Node in Aries, in the air from the 18th to the 21st. You have the drive and energy to channel your enthusiasm into effective action, particularly in professional matters. You might need to beware of steamrolling over others. That could happen if you may feel hungry to get your own thing happening, with little tolerance for what feels restrictive or at odds with your independent trajectory.
The Sun moves into Gemini on the 20th, signaling a turn from the highly social and visible sectors of your solar chart to the solitary. Take time out to process and take care of yourself
The Sagittarius Full Moon on the 23rd illuminates the significance of your mental and physical health and a need for meaning in your day-to-day work activities. These considerations influence how you interact with others, and you may feel pulled by the excitement in your social life and the call to tend to your inner world and routines. As the lunar cycle culminates, Venus and Jupiter conjoin in Taurus, both connecting to Neptune in Pisces by sextile. You may be particularly magnetic, with romance, compassion, and creativity magnified. Inspired dreams for the future may connect to your spiritual or global consciousness, learning, or travel. The highlighted presence of Pluto in Aquarius, your intimacy sector, leads to further transformation in this area of life.
Jupiter moves into Gemini on the 25th, where it will spend the next year in your sphere of the subconscious — inner and spiritual exploration offers a path of fulfillment and meaning. This transit can magnify undermining influences and unconscious patterns in a way that demands you to attend to them. Behind-the-scenes projects are supported, and you may find great enjoyment in spending time alone and off in your own world. Your mental environment and the way it shapes your wellbeing and experience of the outer world may be emphasized, including the effects of technology use. Mediative practices of self-observance will help to address a busy mind and connect to a deeper sense of intuitive knowing beyond the chatter
Jupiter's ingress is intensified by an immediate trine with retrograde Pluto, calling for cultivation of awareness about less conscious patterns that inform the way you engage here. This may amplify matters of personal evolution, death, and intimacy alongside more tangible forms of energy exchange, such as money and contractual matters.
The last five days of May are also characterized by a Mars-Chiron conjunction in your professional sphere alongside Mercury's conjunction with Uranus. Unexpected news may aggravate old insecurities or feel like a direct attack on your individual selfhood. Inner reflection and curiosity will help you clarify what is happening inside of you and what is happening around you. Talking to friends can bring fresh perspectives or innovative solutions
Much opportunity is coming in through your social circle and professional domain this month. Wise use of will, broadening your frameworks of understanding, and connecting to your integrity and inner authority will aid these developments.
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