Aries Horoscope for August 2024

Aries Horoscope for August 2024

Posted on in Aries |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another month, Aries, when your astrology partakes of the mystical, and the mystery, which is neither all good nor all bad. You benefit from taking a philosophical stance and a big picture viewpoint. Transformation, introspection, and an otherworldly perspective are part and parcel of your way forward. Trials can turn into lessons as your reward for a calm attitude. The Leo New Moon of Sunday August 4th, the same day that Mercury stations retrograde, makes for a generally thoughtful time, good for new vision, and yet not well suited for getting things accomplished. You can try staying the course with established plans, or research the future, although it might be bet to refrain from starting any new initiatives without contingency plans. The First Quarter Moon of the 12th is likely to be another time when you are inspired and yet somewhat stuck in the execution, with the next few days of that week also being difficult. The powerful Neptune presence implies fantasy vision that can turn deceptively into a different version of reality that you were first imagining. The late Aquarius Full Moon of the 19th is more than a little wild and unpredictable. By watching and waiting, however, you can learn a lot from this problematic and tricky monthly period.

The following was written by our guest columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

Heading into August, you have been dealing with internal matters, home and family dynamics, as well as the transformation of your group alliances, friendships and goals for the future. The August 4th New Moon in Leo brings fresh incentive for creative projects, romance, pleasure and self-expression. Mars and Jupiter currently in Gemini link up positively with the New Moon which means things should feel relatively fluid especially for matters related to communications and your everyday experience. You can expect fruitful dialogues with others that could generate inspiration and spark new ideas.

Mercury in Virgo turns retrograde on the 4th, also, traveling backward through that sign and then through Leo later in the month, from the 14th on, indicating that there while could be a few challenges particularly in regard to focus, the month could also offer an opportunity to refine your skills, perfect your craft, and hone in on what you love to do. Mercury stations direct by the end of the month and escapes its retrograde shadow by the 12th of September.

On August 12th, the First Quarter Moon could bring added tensions, increasing over the following two days when the square perfects between Mars/Jupiter in Gemini with Saturn in Pisces. This could reveal a conflict between inner and outer or between what you already know versus what you want to learn. You could feel limited in the applications of your skills, or you could be undervaluing your abilities in some ways. You win when you can banish any self-doubts that stand between you and your ability to succeed.

The Full Moon in Aquarius culminating in your social sector on the 19th could mean more opportunities for fun interactions and mingling around this time. There could be surprise information that changes things. It may be hard to strike a balance between work and play although pleasurable activities have their own rewards that money can’t buy. There are limits that might be encountered. What feels constricting could also be coming from your own internal voice which could represent a different take rather than actual pressing responsibilities.

From the 21st to the 24th, a square between Venus in Virgo and Mars in Gemini emphasizes partners, issues of self and other, as well as schedules and logistics.

On the 22nd, the Sun enters Virgo creating a moment of intensity when goals and values are shifting.

On the 28th, as Mercury in Leo turns direct, you might feel a shift in the energy as far as your creative projects. Mercury remains shaky until next mid-month.

Your attention could gradually be moving towards family and loved ones as Venus enters Libra on the 29th. You may be prompted to find greater equilibrium between your personal desires and the requirements of your partnerships in the coming weeks and it’s a good time to adjust the balance between them.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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