Aries Horoscope for September 2024

Aries Horoscope for September 2024

Posted on in Aries |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another somewhat difficult month, Aries, as you recover from the recent Mercury Retrograde period – largely in your creativity sector – and as Mercury recovers too. There is an additional emphasis on Trickster Uranus that continues into the present September cycle. You have been learning some important lessons about the way that you express yourself personally, professionally, and in connection with the projects that you are trying to put across the finish line, while perhaps encountering delays or readjustments. As the month begins, Mercury still moving extremely slowly contributes to the confusion; only escaping its post-retrograde shadow period by the 10th or the 11th. The Virgo New Moon of the 2nd indicates to you that recently adjusted habit patterns are slowly sinking in, along with the depth wisdom related to your inner principles and values that you have been absorbing along with these. Following the Pisces Full Moon eclipse of the 17th, the Libra Equinox takes place on the 22nd, and both of these important junctures serve to remind you of the complex metamorphosis in which you are currently engaged, with partners helping insofar as their agreements could be trying to straighten you out a little; and you might even be letting them.

The following was written by our guest columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The month of September begins in the aftermath of the recent Mercury Retrograde period through your self-expression sector, which has perhaps has had you questioning the well-springs of your creativity and even of your joy and pleasure. Mercury is in its recovery period of the post-retrograde shadow until the 11th so that the usual symptoms of missed connections, mechanical breakdown, and introspection might last a little longer before subsiding.

Pluto also retrogrades back into Capricorn on the 1st, a brief transit before re-entering and then staying in Aquarius beginning mid-November for the next two decades. Pluto’s short jaunt into Capricorn could find you still aware of your ongoing transformation in the Aquarian area of your social interactions and future goals, while perhaps also reflecting on the career accomplishments, failures, and redemptions which were an important factor for the last 16 years. Keep in mind that the paths you have chosen have led you where you are today and no experience is lost in shaping who you have become.

The New Moon in Virgo on September 2nd brings an incentive to get organized over the thirty days of the new lunation cycle, perhaps finding ways to do things more efficiently so that you have time left for leisure, creativity and experimentation. There is an additional focus on inner work. You could be more aware at this juncture of internalized trauma and may be inclined to make changes in the way that you align with deep principles and values. The square between Mars, your ruler, in late Gemini and Neptune in Pisces in this configuration could emphasize a spiritual component to your daily life and your familial obligations and could be part of a broader process of figuring out what you actually want to be doing with your time.

Mars enters Cancer on the 4th and will be there for an extended period due to its retrograde at the end of the year. Mars now in Cancer could bring reflections surrounding your home, your family, your roots, where you want to be or who you want to be surrounded by.

The Pisces Full Moon, which is also a partial lunar eclipse, takes place on September 17th. This could draw attention to how you are feeling versus what you thought you were doing and perhaps allow you to recognize a need to deliberate longer or take time away from your schedule to think something through. Venus in Libra opposing Chiron in your sign in this Full Moon could allow you to see more clearly into your own inner wounding. This might be in the process of difficult conversations with family members or partners although it could also come up through your own internal meditations since it is your emotional content that is appearing. It may be hard to know how you feel about a complicated issue although this kind of self-reflection could represent your best way forward. When you seek the calm of quiet reflection you might gain clarity on where you could be advancing toward healing.

The Sun enters Libra on the 22nd for the September Equinox, and Venus also enters mysterious Scorpio later on the same day, so that in both effects there is an inward light being shown on relationship and collaborations, to include intimate partnerships. Even if you would rather be going at it alone, this is a good opportunity for at least in being open to what others are bringing to the table of your awareness.

On the 25th, Mercury opposes Neptune and trine Pluto, before also entering Libra on the next day. Your conscious awareness of your partnership situation grows. As well, idealization and transformation is in the air for you now.

Mars trines Saturn on the 29th providing minor obstacles to family or dwelling issues that you might be dealing with.

On the 30th, Mercury forms a conjunction with the Sun which could grant you greater clarity for understanding what others require from you and make it easier to find a happy middle ground.

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