Aquarius Horoscope for January 2013

Aquarius Horoscope for January 2013

Posted on in Aquarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a time of creativity and of new beginnings, Aquarius, in this new year. As you come around the bend in ascending the mountain of your destiny, you are in an excellent position to dream new possibilities for yourself into being, cementing still further the hold on outer world success that you currently enjoy. Your creative self-expression is sizzling. You are blessed with focus also on dream imagination and inner work, so that you are in a good place for mystical output, and for contemplation. Although more challenges lie ahead, as you meditate on the changes and challenges of the past few months, you feel that can put them all behind you except for the positive results. You are gathering yourself to spring ahead with verve and vitality in the latter part of the month.

As the month begins, you are riding the wave of the future. With the recent New Moon from mid-December having taken place in your sector of societal connection and future plans, you are busily imagining new possibilities for yourself with even more enthusiasm than you normally display, visioning new or renewed group affiliation and positive growth as you head into the clean slate of a fresh year.

With your co-ruler, Saturn, hanging out in your career sector, there could hardly be a better time to be taking a closer look at the way that you actualize the full potential of your public persona. You are ready to make it count for something in which you deeply believe. With also Pluto in your sector of dream imagination and inner work, while Jupiter opposes their midpoint from your creativity sector, your self-expression is now taking on a profound sense of purpose and soulful intention. From the time of the recent Full Moon a few days before New Year's Day, you have been well aware of a very special twelve-month period in the making for you.

Actually the placement of Saturn in your tenth solar house is a bit of a double-edged sword for you, because it also slows you down by placing obstacles in your path that even as they delay you and vex you, prove to be character-building. It is a truism that the thing you strive for the hardest is the most long-lasting. You are preparing to prove this point in the coming months and years. With the perspective of time you might look back on this period as formative and life-changing, in terms of your presence in the world and for private priorities also, the time of building the bridges to your next incarnational stage.

As the month unfolds it will be very interesting for you to observe how your understanding of yourself stretches as your perspective shifts and grows. The arc of your current development includes seeking a more complete way of seeing the world around you as a necessary part of yourself, and vice versa; and you are coming to recognize a healthy reliance on Spirit as an integral part of that key movement.

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With the Last Quarter Moon of Friday, January 4th, you are stopping in your tracks for a look around. This is traditionally the phase for reevaluating where you have been and where going, and it comes with special poignancy in this time of profound change. There is massive realignment coming to you from the novel and even slightly alien perspective of your deep inner spaces, and you do well to pay heed in a meditative way as you contemplate this crucial time of your life.

The New Moon of a week later, taking place on Friday, January 11th, in your sector of dream imagination and internal work, brings fresh energy to your purpose and you could be flying. You will be certainly be doing so with a reaffirmed inner world perspective. It is an excellent time for writing and for speaking your truth to others. Your communication reveals your deep intention and provides an excellent guide to where you are really at, taking into account a blended combination of outer and inner priorities.

With the First Quarter Moon of Friday, January 18th, you could run into obstacles to progress. You feel on the verge of breakthrough but something seems to stop you from the completion that you had envisioned. This is disconcerting, but also character-building and perhaps less frustrating once you are prepared, aided by the forewarning provided by the astrological perspective. The weekend that follows is accompanied by the entrance of the Sun as well as Mercury into your sign, catches you up with yourself, and comes with a shift in your way of conceptualizing things and even in your very way of being in the world.

The Full Moon of Saturday, January 26th, is a powerful one for you. This is a time when you feel far more fulfilled in what you are up to, bringing also the perspective of helpful partners into the mix. There are echoes of past trauma that could arise at this time, and that provide both consternation and also the opportunity to heal and transcend old issues. There is a way that, almost without realizing it, you have moved beyond the knee-jerk reactivity of less than fully aware behaviors. You are now experiencing and are able to take better advantage of the conscious recognition of this important fact, that you are now in the process of leaving behind the dysfunctional patterns that once held you in thrall as you move forward with your life.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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