Aquarius Horoscope for December 2012

Aquarius Horoscope for December 2012

Posted on in Aquarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a great time to be alive, Aquarius, and you are moving forward. You are rethinking your business connections to see what you can get out of them, but more importantly to find a way to incorporate a greater degree of personal creativity into the mix. Things are stirring deep inside you, and they are giving you a better handle on where you need to be heading than mental process alone can muster up, so it is vital that you tune in. Your dreams can remake your future at this crucial time, as you enter this powerful end-of-year moment. Like the dreamer in a science fiction, you are the creator who is in the process of visioning a new personal world into being all around you.

As the month begins, you are feeling the pressure to open up to new perspectives from the time of the powerful Full Moon eclipse that took place in your sector of creative self-expression. This is a big month for you if like a surfer you are willing to take advantage of the wave that is being offered. You are simultaneously exploring new parts of yourself and using them to form a better idea of what you want to accomplish in terms of public persona and recognized accomplishment. The second half of the month is in fact a perfect time to imagine new career potentials for yourself; but they will not be business as usual.

With Mercury retrograding through your career sector you might have been thinking for yourself that certain aspects of your work in the world no longer work for you. If so, what needs to happen is that you suss out what it is that you truly want for yourself.

There are hidden sides to your personality that have been trying for years to get your attention by any means necessary. It is a good step forward when you acknowledge that there is definitely something going on inside you for which you have little direct knowledge. It becomes of vital importance that you pay attention to the perhaps underdeveloped part of your personality that knows by intuition, rather than by facts and figures.

Communicating your deepest truth to others around you is another important step for you right now. Journaling is another great way for you that you are currently primed for, helping you to get in touch with these deeper levels of your personality, beyond logical notions of cause and effect.

In the midst of it all, you are serious about pursuing outer world commitments at the same time as you deal with much less tangible ones also. This is a conundrum and a paradoxical reality for you right now, which, once you are able to let go of expectations of any kind and embrace, opens many doors to future possibilities.

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With the Last Quarter Moon of Thursday, December 6th, you come to a period when a moment of tension in your process has you questioning nearly everything. At this time you are in the process of reassessing even still further whatever has come before, including the events of the past three weeks. This includes the details of how you pursue work priorities, or what exactly your career goals even are for you these days.

The New Moon a week later, taking place on Thursday, December 13th, gives you fresh energy for your process of growth. This is the best opportunity you will have all year to vision new possibilities for yourself into being. What you wish for sincerely in this important end-of-year time will likely come true, so be careful what you wish for. You can achieve what you in your wildest dreams imagine for yourself if you can manage to stay in concert with what your higher self has in mind. This is no simple highway but it will take you further along your destined path than any other.

With the First Quarter Moon of Wednesday, December 19th, you run into a few bumps in the road of your progress. You are entering into a dream world of your own manufacture, with only one foot in the mundane world of commerce and sense, and the other all the way out. You win by paying as close attention to your night-time dreams as possible right now. This is a testing time for you as well, from now until the end of the year.

The Full Moon that comes along on Friday, December 28th, represents a balance point but also a further series of tests. Your faith is being sorely tried but If you trust in the beneficence of the universe to sustain you, then you will be rewarded by a delicious new sense of possibility for the New Year.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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