Aquarius Horoscope for November 2012

Aquarius Horoscope for November 2012

Posted on in Aquarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a great time to be alive, Aquarius, and your creativity shows it. Your career moves are well-founded so that you seem quite at home in the world, and grounded in your outer-world pursuits. Although more subtle, there is also a strong pull to the inside, just as there has been all year. With Mercury Retrograde for almost the entire month, you are taken to a more meditative place where you might be able to profitably reflect on the vast scope of your inner world. Connection with others becomes a focal point for a non-local journey, a voyage of intimate discovery that eventually brings you back home to yourself in an entirely new and different way.

As the month begins you are still rocking in the wake of the recent powerful Full Moon that stretched across your solar chart from top to bottom, bringing public achievement orientations and private concerns together in a novel alignment that sheds light on your entire recent arc of development. For you, the Uranus-Pluto square that has been so widely discussed is less about revolution and more refers to a strength of commitment on your part to acknowledge your depths, transforming yourself from the inside out. There is already knowledge of this within your psyche, although not at entirely conscious levels, and therefore the more conscious awareness applied now, the better.

What also aids you in your quest is the retrograde of Mercury that comes up early in the month, taking place on Tuesday, November 6th, the day of climax for the U.S. presidential election cycle. There has been a mild disconnect these last few weeks between outer and inner goals, and with this month's retrograde period the balance tips to the inside. Mercury has only just entered your sector of goals and societal connection, a place where you naturally live. It is not for nothing that the modern push for greater emphasis on global connectivity and community – symbolized and obviously greatly facilitated by the Internet – is referred to as the coming of the Aquarian Age. This is a thoughtful place for Mercury to be standing still, and the first several weeks of the current month might find you reflecting on these matters, and on the part you fell inclined to play in this ongoing world drama.

Communication, and communion, make up one key to all this; and your own inner world contributes another. You are changing at the core, in subtle and also in not-so-subtle ways, and the encouragement at this time is that you just go ahead and more fully acknowledge an inward or even a spiritual component in all that you say and do. Your life has been trending in this direction for many months now and it might be a relief to just let go.

Detailed Monthly Forecast

The Last Quarter Moon takes place on the same Tuesday as the station of Mercury to retrograde motion, actually within the same afternoon period. At its most basic level, this coincidental timing means that you are doubly hit by the recognition that something regarding your plan needs a fundamental make-over in light of new information that has been percolating up through your conscious awareness. Ready or not, and pleased with this development or not, you are making a shift in how you see the world around you and your allies. As the bard relates, you find yourself in a brave new world, inhabited by such an awesome collection of fellow humans.

The New Moon and Solar Eclipse of the following week takes place on Tuesday, November 13th, in your sector of public rather than private achievement, so that your real-world presence is a game that you are still playing, and for good purpose. The eclipse however also makes important aspects to celestial archetypes that imply inner connection, including Mercury, now in backward motion through the same sector described above. Your life direction is therefore very much up for you at this time as well, as you start to celebrate the unique amalgam of outer and inner that is your actual life.

With the First Quarter Moon of Tuesday, November 20th, you might detect a few snags in your chosen developmental path that was launched at the time of the mid-month eclipse. This is in general a very sober and practical time for you, which is only reinforced by the issues that come up at this crucial juncture. This has to do once again with worldview, and with sorting out what you truly want, as confusing as that might seem currently to be. There is also the distinct possibility that you could, in pursuing your process, be troubled by old wounds surfacing that stem from undigested childhood trauma. If so, the most important purpose is that you acknowledge these inner demons and by acceptance, begin to move past them.

When the Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon of Wednesday, November 28th hits your chart, your creative self-expression is invoked, now more than ever. This is, in part, a response to the successes and also the difficulties that have preceded this climactic late-month period. You are again connected with your actual societal and career goals, which might be more completely acknowledged as a refection of inner rather than outer priorities. You have thus come full circle back around to the concerns of the beginning of the month, spiraling up the mountain path.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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