Aquarius Horoscope for October 2012

Aquarius Horoscope for October 2012

Posted on in Aquarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a thoughtful period of time for you, Aquarius. Although you are in many ways coming into your own, the question lingers of what you are attempting to engender. As much as you are engaged in practicality, a spirit of enquiry and of personal development remains paramount. Information out of your deeper Self can no longer be ignored, and provides glimpses of a further reality that takes you beyond the world of simplistic manifestation. This is a mystery that cannot be entirely solved, a doorway to which there is no key; although the angst and pain that you might at times encounter could be important clues. This exploration is all-important, and helps to explain how the difficulties that you encounter can lead in the end to riches of an internal and non-obvious kind.

As the month begins, you are coming down from a powerful Full Moon in your communications sector. With your ruler, Uranus, highlighted there, your arc of personal development stresses teaching and learning right now. You are gathering up what you need from your surrounding environment and using the information to move forward utilizing new-found understanding of what is going on both outside of yourself and within you.

Your work in the world is achieving a fair level of prominence over the course of this current monthly cycle, although you must remember to take the fullest account as well of the unknown reaches of your inner world. With numinous Neptune strongly configured in your resources sector, you might feel more than a little lost in terms of what counts as thinking in the world's eyes, that is, through thinking of the more normative and surface variety. There is another and potentially more profound thought process taking place within you, in the deeper layers of your psyche – equally vital to your eventual well-being – but which can only be glimpsed out of the corner of your conscious gaze.

You can pay attention to these juicy inner depths by a sort of magic trick, a process of double-vision. This is without dropping your reliance on a more logical mental process that is also very important to you right now. As you practice this strange feat it is possible that confusion or illusion could come up for you, or perhaps there could even be painful places to be encountered inside yourself, places where you feel that your sense of security is threatened perhaps through abandoning total reliance on more normal systems of reward and valuation as practiced by the society at large.

Travel plans could be big for you, or other explorations of the world around you as you connect with public recognition regarding your outer world activities including your career and professional status. It still pays to remember, in the midst of relative success, to additionally pay closest possible attention to the vast and yeasty spaces within you. They, also, might have much to teach you as you move your process forward into greater wholeness.

Detailed Monthly Forecast

With the Last Quarter Moon of Monday, October 8th, you come to a time of taking stock, and of mulling over the events of the past few weeks with an intention of forging a new mandate for yourself moving forward. You have the chance of achieving greater understanding of these events within the context of what you have been through up to now. You are putting yourself out there into the world with verve and vitality, but your true work is going on beneath the surface of your conscious mind.

The New Moon that comes along a week later, taking place on Monday, October 15th, brings energy to your process of uncovering what lies within you, and represents a powerful time of further changes from the inside out. This is an excellent period for journaling your ideas. Your communication is active and might also represent a more intentional outlet for your thoughts and intuitions. As you listen to yourself speaking your truth to others you might begin to see the outlines of a new philosophy for your life beginning to emerge. .

With the First Quarter Moon taking place on Sunday evening, October 21st,and the next day, a time of tension arises. You are reaching for greater real-world presence while at the same time more fully acknowledging the ongoing valuation of your inner depths. In one way you are all about outer achievement while in another the ways of the world mean nothing, and you could be feeling the strain. There are limitations to both approaches so that what works best could be a union of these energies, but this is a union that is not easily forged.

The potent Full Moon that kicks off the final week of the month, taking place on Monday, October 29th, once again brings powerhouse cosmic energies to bear on your awareness and on the inner knowing represented by your unconscious process. You are torn between public and private concerns, between workplace and sanctuary, but determined to make the most of this perceived tug-of-war in terms of a better understanding, going forward, of yourself and of your world.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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