Aquarius Horoscope for September 2012

Aquarius Horoscope for September 2012

Posted on in Aquarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

An interesting month unfolds for you, Aquarius, as you make better progress toward the revitalization of your life's currents. Partnership is powerful for you now, and contains a mystery. Over the previous couple of months you have been engaged in a process of rethinking all your relationship connections; and you have come out the other side stronger and more fully present. As one result you are feeling a great deal of joy in creativity, and in creatively working with the energies of the cosmos to internally connect yourself up, bridging interior gaps that, though the indications were plentiful, you didn't even know that you possessed. You are therefore able to effect a new form of partnership, one that takes place deep within the confines of your very own mind and heart.

As the month begins, you are settling into a time of greater and greater connection with others around you, on all levels, both friendship bonds and peer-to-peer and as well with significant partners. You have a powerful inclination right now to explore new worlds, both mentally and physically. This can take you far, especially since a noteworthy part of these new worlds to conquer lies within the confines of your very own mind and heart. This is symbolized by Pluto being entirely emphasized in your sector of inner work and dream imagination. Your connections with others at this time presuppose a stronger and more profound connection with yourself that you have been cultivating all summer long.

This affects your communication with others around you, which comes straight from your depths and speaks directly to the heart of the matter. You are more cogent and intention-oriented in what you say to others, or perhaps through the process of writing, journaling or blogging as a medium of expression. You must also beware of becoming even too dogmatic regarding the efficacy and vitality of your own point of view, as this can not only get you into trouble but also lead you in a one-side direction that would benefit from a more free and easy exchange of ideas and points of view.

You might feel as though your sense of security were threatened by giving over too much to the opinions of others, in the context of friends, lovers, or even business partnerships, but this could be a dark illusion. You are more than a bit confused at the moment of what your security really consists of, or where to lay your metaphorical head. All is cosmic play and all is illusion, on one level, and this can represent something of a disconnect with the hard-nosed world of physical practicality. The trick is to learn to live with both perspectives simultaneously, even though they seem to contradict each other. You win when you start to take everything that happens as it comes, without attempting to own the experience in any way, or to constrain it by means of terms that — being logical constructs — are fundamentally incompatible with life as it is actually being lived.

These intimations of a world beyond the physical senses are totally compatible with what you feel springing up from deep within you, when you can take a chance and take your time to really look. While in the end all you can really do is put one foot ahead of the other, in that activity is a kind of holiness that is an ongoing act of faith, an expression of your fundamental trust in the intentions of an essentially beneficial cosmos that will never, as long as you are sincerely trying, let you down.

Detailed Monthly Forecast

With the Last Quarter Moon, taking place on Saturday, September 8th, you are feeling expansiveness regarding all your various forms of connectivity together with a sense of fated purpose in what you are accomplishing on the relationship front. This is a time of reevaluation, leading up to the New Moon a week later, when you are assessing where you have been and what has been gained or lost in the progress of the previous three weeks. In this case you are feeling more gains than losses, but you are coming to view the arc of your development in a very different light than you have before.

With the New Moon of the following weekend, taking place on Saturday, September 15th, you have plenty of fresh energy for your process, which in spite of the multiple links with other hearts and minds is essentially an internal one of personal evolution and transformation. You have a profound interest right now in higher mind pursuits of all kinds, and partly through relationship with other compatible souls that surround you now. You might also encounter a sense of limitation there, a feeling that you are not getting all that you can out of your choices within this mostly mental form for activity.

The First Quarter Moon of Saturday, September 22nd, coincident with the Fall Equinox, implies even greater connection with philosophical underpinnings of your highly active mentality, and with the musings that spring up essentially unbidden from your deep unconscious process. Although you are preparing the way for greater participation in outer endeavors, you are also transforming apace, in many ways unseen, a process of reconfiguration of the nine tenths of the iceberg that never shows above the waterline. The ultimate effect will be to entirely change all the surface layers of your being.

With the Full Moon of the last weekend of the month, taking place on Saturday, September 22nd, you have come full circle from where you started. You are still perhaps even more profoundly questioning the meaning and the goals of your existence, but now from a better-informed angle, so that a degree of satisfaction obtains. When you reflect, you find yourself even more committed to the transformational surge that arises from deep within you as you head into an intense fall season.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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