Aquarius Horoscope for August 2012

Aquarius Horoscope for August 2012

Posted on in Aquarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is an exciting time of ongoing education for you, Aquarius, although not in any ordinary sense. You are seeking new horizons to conquer and even to share with peers. Your intensity of focus does not find its resolution in purely logical terms, since you are dealing with intimations from the deepest layers of your psyche. As is perhaps appropriate for the Mercury Retrograde period you are caught up in, there are paradoxical aspects to your situation. Although this is an intensely private journey, it involves others as well as yourself, and although the information that you are intent on capturing is subtle and insubstantial, it must have its practical application for you to fully grasp it. Perhaps most astonishing of all, your vehicle is not mind alone but includes your heart.

As the month begins, you are feeling the pull of other forms of information than those that are known to the simple surface levels of your psyche. You are stimulated by knowledge, but this knowledge that you are receiving is of a peculiar kind, that takes you down some perhaps altogether untrodden pathways. You have been tugged in this direction all this year, at least, perhaps without being fully conscious of it, and now the planetary energies are aligning with your own vision to take you further in.

Pluto, residing in your sector of inner dream realms, has been in forming square for many months now with your ruler Uranus, and these powerful planetary archetypes are getting ready for another perfect hit in September. Neptune is also making waves in your resources sector. This takes you out of step with the ordinary business of buying and selling and counting time, but is a perfect fit with more subtle and esoteric intelligence, and for inner work. Chiron there also contributes hints to where you have been wounded in the past, perhaps represents a threat to your sense of security. Meanwhile, Mercury is also retrograde in your partnership sector, bringing up a different and more meditative form of knowledge, perhaps through the agency of others, and just when you are most ready to receive. You might have to half-close your waking eyes to begin to see it.

You have a powerful enthusiasm right now for creative expression in line with these difficult inner conceptions, and a strong tendency to take other viewpoints into account as an adjunct to your own perceptions, which helps you to expand your mental horizons in ways that might be impossible without this aid. You are on an important voyage, toward your own deep center. It is profoundly important that you pay the closest attention to these intimations from your inner world, and your reactions to them, as this journey holds the key to your continued spiritual evolution.

Detailed Monthly Forecast

The Full Moon takes place in your sign late on Wednesday, August 1st, and brings all these themes into sharper focus as you reach out to significant partners and seek balance for your own point of view. This early portion of the month is a romantic time, not only in the sense of finding someone attractive, but in terms of ideas as well, which have a special glow for you right now all their own. Your creative expression is sizzling, and takes you into some of the deeper areas of your psyche beyond where purely logical progressions even make sense. But what you are after now is at the level of soul and the nature of the soul is paradoxical.

With the Last Quarter Moon of Thursday, August 9th, you arrive at a time when the energy has shifted appropriate to this closing phase of the lunar cycle. You are attentive to what has gone down up to this point and attempting to make better sense of it as you grapple with psychological and family concerns. This is also a special juncture because of the change in direction represented by Mercury's station one day earlier, and its consequent slowness in forward motion, which is powerfully configured with Neptune, bringing in a strong hit of this numinous and otherworldly energy.

The New Moon in late Leo a week later, taking place on Friday, August 17th, gives you fresh energy for pursuits of all kinds, both inner- and outer-world oriented, including partnership. Somewhere deep inside yourself you are taking a more philosophical stance on everything that is happening, although it is also possible that old wounds will continue to trigger your reactionary rather than your contemplative side. You are dealing with powerful impulses that arise directly from your inner world and these can be tricky to navigate, although it is always true that you win when you approach them from the largest possible perspective.

With the First Quarter Moon of Friday, August 24th, some tension could arise in your process as you attempt to sort out what is most important in what is going on within you, and which of your impressions speak to your deepest understanding and which to illusion. This remains a confusing period of time, although less so, the more you rely on your own deep process and stay patient. The truth will be revealed more fully with the passage of time; until you have more and better information it is best to quietly watch and wait. It is good to remember also that you are in this for the long haul, and for your own greater knowledge of yourself. All other considerations take second place.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
From $14.95

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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