Aquarius Horoscope for February 2013

Aquarius Horoscope for February 2013

Posted on in Aquarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a challenging and rewarding period for you, Aquarius. The recent Full Moon from the last weekend in January brought you good fortune and opportunity, although perhaps also a sense of mixed blessings. You have an important opening now that leads to greater public recognition, and yet the increased responsibility that is involved there could feel like more than you can reasonably handle. You are reassessing your intellectual horizon. Something is shifting deep inside you in such a manner that many of the certitudes you have counted on thus far could no longer apply. You might feel like you are struggling to replace them, but the best bet for you right now might be that you have faith in your process and let go and just surrender to it.

As the month begins, you are still riding out the wave of the powerful Full Moon from the last weekend of January. This took place in your opposite sign, and put the spotlight on relationship with significant others in your life, and also on a great expansion of your style of self-expression as one important component of how you connect to others around you. There could be potentially painful issues that also arise in this transformational time frame as you navigate the rapidly evolving energies that swirl around you now, and that carry you forward into evolving career priorities.

You are as well seeking a more intense connection internally, with Spirit inside you and within your inner world of dream imagination and unconscious process. A greater awareness in this area has been building slowly, over these last few weeks and even months, until you can no longer afford to ignore its summons; this results eventually with a necessary integration, combining inner and outer priorities. With Chiron so prominent in your sector of resources and values, an unusual degree of reactivity could perhaps come up for you, stemming from ancient wounding that you have been carrying all these years. If so, the recommendation is that you carefully survey all that happens with at least one portion of your witnessing mind. Beware of rushing into judgment.

With Chiron's temporary rulers, Neptune and Jupiter, both aspecting Chiron, there is plenty of room for a positive approach to old issues now. It might be necessary to acknowledge stored-up painful feelings before being able to move beyond them. You are beginning to see things from a vastly different perspective lately and it pays for you to remain as open as you can to all your possibilities, even those that seem to take you out of your comfort zone in one way or another.

The challenges of this period of time for you, and in particular for this important month of major transition, is that you do not close yourself off from your experience in any way, while still adhering to a reasonable sense of caution as you make your way forward. Your choices might seem overly limited, and yet there are also illusions and a sense of expansion that might need to be reconciled with a more practical approach. You are nevertheless proceeding to travel the only path that truly works for you now, and that involves taking the spiritual high road toward what will come to be seen as a brand new vision for this new year and, consequently, a potent rebirth.

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With the Last Quarter Moon of Sunday, February 3rd, you are reassessing what you are currently engaged in with an eye to higher mind evaluation. Amidst expansive self-expression and increased real-world responsibility, relationship considerations loom large as well as those of values, finances and resources in general. You are also continuing to deal with issues of past patterns of relatively dysfunctional behavior, possibly stemming from early childhood trauma. These have been coming up for you lately, and you might well be ready, even more than ready, to move beyond them.

The New Moon of late Saturday evening, February 9th, gives you fresh energy for your purpose, which is essentially your own self-development. You have before you, still, a healthy dose of meditative exploration of what is really going on beneath the surface. You are moving out of contemplation into action, although this action orientation might shift again toward the end of the month, since the Mercury Retrograde period that commences on the 23rd is better for introspection than for direct activity. Mixed in with the determination to be moving forward, there is also likely to be some element of confusion, especially with material world concerns. There is a renewed emphasis on early wounding that might have the unfortunate capacity to result in reactivity and thereby to nudge you off course.

The First Quarter Moon of Sunday, February 17th, represents an interesting crossroads, when a few additional obstacles could be thrown up to impede your progress toward your emerging goals, and when also a certain degree of optimism comes flooding in, in spite of everything. What you have now is creative tension: the recognition of setback – and yet the fire to create out of that very recognition.

The very powerful Full Moon a week later, taking place on Monday, February 25th, highlights diverse elements in you current sky and inclines toward balance and integration of these disparate factors. Your enthusiasm is definitely showing up loud and clear at this juncture, with perhaps the drawback of a tendency to overdo. Relationship issues and higher mind considerations continue to remain front and center as you contemplate your pathway forward. You are on a practical as well as an idealized course of action and very much aware of the potential for collision and for graceful integration in these different areas. The Mercury Retrograde that has recently begun lasts for five weeks or so, inclining toward a contemplative approach, although the energy distinctly shifts with its station to direct motion on March 17th.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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