Virgo Horoscope for May 2023

Virgo Horoscope for May 2023

Posted on in Virgo |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a month that begins in self-exploration, Virgo, of the deeper places within you, and winds up in a more universal mode of questioning, and then reaffirming, your beliefs and worldview. As the month begins, Mercury, your ruler, is retrograding through your sector of higher mind and conjuncting there the Sun, increasing the gravity of the occasion, while new horizons of understandings continue to beckon. This period of introspective delving within yourself results in eventual alterations, over time, in the way that you see the world around you. You are discovering that intimacy with others at your more profound levels is intimacy with yourself. The Full Moon and lunar eclipse of May 5th signals an important call to celebrate and voice the profound changes in attitude that are occurring, while the Moon’s Last Quarter and the station of Mercury to direct motion occurring from the 12th to the 14th represents an entirely magical and confronting juncture, with a crisis in beliefs and consciousness that takes its time; slowly straightening out over the month’s final two weeks.

The following was written by our guest columnist Geoff Gronlund of

The Solar Eclipse New Moon from last month took place at the final degree of Aries, and might have stirred within you a passion to transform your life in such a way that helps you more deeply understand yourself. This may have required a sacrifice or loss, but it likely revealed some inner recognitions that helped facilitate tremendous personal growth. The effects of this powerful eclipse might be experienced through the next six months or more including especially these first three weeks of May. With transformational Pluto being featured in the eclipse, your day-to-day habits are potentially dramatically changing, and your inner work is colored by a motivation to transform unhealthy habits into healthier ones.

Pluto stations retrograde on May 1st in your sector of health, life management, and service. The Sun and Mercury join on the same day in your higher mind sector of education, travel, and worldview. This combination of events can influence a refinement to your belief systems, including how you feel about your health or being of service in some way. Aligning your values with your beliefs is an important and life-changing process that can help you better understand why you value what you do and to make improvements that can endure the test of time.

On May 5th, the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio falls in your communication and curiosity sector, potentially inspiring you to dive headlong into a new fields of study, perhaps ones related to psychology, mythology, or mysticism. You are prompted now to trust in your intuition over surface logic, and the introspective influence of Mercury’s retrograde period is still very much with you as well. This powerful lunation may also prompt you to have deep meaningful conversations that bring more profound understanding of your beliefs, and of your situation in general. Eclipses are harbingers of change, and part of your learning might be how to trust, including yourself, or to loosen up emotional blockages that have kept you at a remove or more skeptical than you want to be.

Venus ingresses into Cancer on May 7th in your eleventh sector of friends, groups, community, and higher aspirations, and this can stir you to nurture the connection you have with your friends and your collective. The desire to bring a greater sense of security and emotional harmony to these relationships can be strong and should not be disregarded. It could be exactly what you need to uplift your spirits and provide a sense of belonging and comradery amongst colleagues.

On May 12th, the Last Quarter Moon in Aquarius is colored by a very active and potentially difficult relationship between Mercury, Venus, and Saturn. This can however also help facilitate conversations about your ideals, values, and beliefs, possibly in relation to your intimate or close relationships. You may need to set healthy boundaries in some of your relationships to adhere to your own beliefs and not feel the need to share the same values as others.

Mercury stations direct on May 14th in your sector of higher mind, education, travel, and belief systems. Although now direct, Mercury is standing dead still in the sky, marking this as one of the peak moments of the retrograde. You have likely given a lot of thought over the past three weeks or more, while Mercury was moving backward, to how your values align with your beliefs. As mentioned earlier, this can be a life-changing process, and it is vital to put the time and patience into aligning these. However this retrograde cycle might have affected you, in the examination of your beliefs and values, it would be good to integrate your conclusions gradually and strategically, because in the two-week post-retrograde period, lasting until nearly the end of May, there is a lingering influence that bides its time while you work to integrate all the recalibrating that took place while it was retrograde.

Jupiter ingresses into Taurus on May 16th in your ninth sector of higher mind, foreign cultures, and the search for truth. The opportunity to fully appreciate the values of other customs and cultures is thus upon you, possibly inspiring you to plan a journey to a distant place where you can immerse yourself in the culture of a people you have been curious about for a long time. Pluto’s strong influence in your sector of purity and refinement can encourage you to question and transform the reasons behind your values, thus establishing more meaning behind what you believe in.

On Friday, May 19th, the New Moon lands in the late degrees of Taurus, corresponding again to your ninth sector of belief systems, the search for truth, and distant travel. And note that Mercury is still recovering from its retrograde in this same sector. There is quite a lot of self-study going on. This New Moon may cause you to reconsider certain indulgences. It also might allow you to question your values and subsequently adopt new ones by studying and integrating other philosophies or belief systems. You may wish to set new intentions related to specific habit patterns or realigning your values with new philosophies, but making full commitments to anything might integrate better if you wait until at least after May 21st to act upon them, the Sun’s ingress into Gemini, and perhaps even later in the month.

Mars moves into Leo, corresponding to your twelfth sector of hidden matters, illusions, and inner work, on May 20th, exactly squaring Jupiter and opposing Pluto, which implies you could be feeling further drawn to connect your mission statement with your values and to what is going on inside you. The excitement of discovering a means of merging with the essence of life can inspire tremendous creativity and inspiration. Due to Pluto and Jupiter’s direct influence upon this ingress, your senses, beliefs, and capacity for transformation are all prevalent and playing a role in this creative process for you.

The Sun’s ingress into Gemini on May 21st corresponding to your tenth sector of career, professional life, and achievement, might embolden you to seek additional responsibilities. The Sun now conspires with Pluto, Mars, and Jupiter, putting an exclamation point on the massive propensity for change of this recent timing. This ingress can also bring recognition or advancement in your career, so this is a good time to work hard to achieve more of what you want, which could imply a better match between internal principle and what you do in terms of job, career, or profession. Overall, this month can represent a very productive transition in your life, and one that does incorporates the value of upholding important beliefs and establishing a deeper connection with your spiritual nature.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
From $14.95

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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