Posted on February 28, 2023 in Virgo
By Henry Seltzer & Elodie St-Onge Aubut for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes
This is a month with many facets for you, Virgo. Partnership is an enormous focus, which also involves mining your unconscious depths for inner wisdom. The Full Moon in your sign of March 7th is powerful in this regard, featuring the conundrums and the rewarding experiences implied in issues of self and other. It is possible that what can up in the context of relationship explorations may also be the debilitations of inner wounding, the likely residue of early childhood trauma, that can inhibit the positive results that you are attempting. The upside here is that you can make tremendous progress as well on healing these types of issues by means of loving attention paid to the hurt and hidden places within you, a different sort of internally based relationship that could be vital to you continued well-being. All through this month, as well, your deepest values and your ability to articulate these, through journaling, written communication, or in deep-seated discussion with close allies, is powerful and productive. The Aries New Moon of March 21st represents a significant fresh start in all of the above issues. This is a powerful time of digging deep within you for transcendent answers.
The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology
The New Moon in Pisces from February 19th and 20th brings renewal for relationships of all kinds and March could be a good time to focus on marriage, intimate and business partnerships as you may be especially sensitive to the desires of others. Relational dynamics can become obvious and you might be ready to let go of old hurts to make space for new things to come through. Career advancement could be possible thanks to the support of someone ,close to you, or from internal explorations leading to greater connection. You might also feel conflicted by a lack of autonomy. Although there could have been recent frustrations in one partnership or in another, healing and integration is also more than possible this month when you are willing to put concentrated attention to the matter. You might also have to guard against trying to be all things to all people or sacrificing yourself to the wrong cause. Your past experience might be useful here to better inform you.
From the 1st to the 3rd, the month opens under the beneficial meeting of Venus and Jupiter in Aries forming a conjunction that is very visible in the Western skies just after sunset. This is actually a triple conjunction involving as well Chiron, the Wounded Healer, and because occurring in the part of your chart that relates to shared resources, business, and intimate partnerships, carries an indication of inner wounding affecting these areas potentially arising. This chart sector refers more extensively to the deeper psychological transformation available through your encounters with others and the potential is also there for healing these types of issues with loving attention paid. Because of the power of Venus and Jupiter, known in astrology as “benefics,“ there are positive implications for healing, integration, and renewal within your relationships and attachments.
Mercury enters your opposite sign of Pisces on the 2nd which may bring important conversations or negotiations in the coming weeks.
The Full Moon on the 7th culminates in Virgo shining a light on your desires, your needs, and your personal direction. It may be a good time to take stock of how you feel around this time, especially in relation to others. If you have been compromising too much, this Full Moon could bring the need for adjustments. At any rate, you should make this time about yourself and assess your personal landscape for any obstacles that stand in your way. Uranus in Taurus forms an exact trine to the Full Moon which means you should have a clearer sense of your long-term goals and a good perspective on things at this time.
Saturn enters Pisces a few hours after the Full Moon which signals the beginning of a two-year period when you may need to reassess your energy investments with others, adjusting accordingly in the process. This two-year period will serve to address any lingering issues and clarify your commitments in ways that might test their role and validity in your life.
Mercury and the Sun conjoin Neptune in Pisces mid-March, centered on the 14th, while also forming a square with Mars in Gemini. What comes up around this time might not be surprising and it can be a test in regard to something you already had to contend with a few times already. There could be some mixed signals coming from someone or you may be unsure about a particular alliance. It can be wise to wait until the latter part of March before drawing any solid conclusion if you feel confused about an agreement or an important career decision.
On the 16th, Venus enters Taurus which brings gradual ease while emphasizing the sector of your chart that relates to expansion and new perspectives. Learning, teaching, or traveling may feature more prominently around this time, and positive unfolding could be happening in connection to these topics in the coming weeks
Mercury is moving relatively fast this month and leaves Pisces for Aries on the 18th followed by the Sun on the 20th which signals the Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere.
The Aries New Moon arrives on the 21st which continues to bring important change and renewal for intimate and business partnerships for the final ten days of the month and in in the weeks that follow. There is a line-up of six planets in Aries now, so that this area of your life takes on quite a bit of complexity. The implications are there for deep-diving into your unconscious places with yourself, as well as for an increased interest in partnership agreements and the legacy for resource that key relationships in your life can provide.
Two days later, on the 23rd, Pluto enters Aquarius where, after a bit of backing into Capricorn in the last half of this current year, it will basically spend the next two decades. Although the effects of Pluto are gradual at first, during this two-year transit, you may uncover compulsions within your habit patterns, perhaps issues of service to others or discovering yourself being obsessive about health and organizational detail. There can be transformation in these areas of your life, so that issues around health and service become more resolved, bringing long-term renewal for these matters.
Mars enters Cancer on the 25th, leaving the sign of Gemini where it had been transiting since last August. This is another important shift occurring this month that brings a helpful influence, especially for your dreams and your aspirations in the coming months. It should feel increasingly easier to move in your chosen direction without feeling like you are compromising in other areas of your life.
Relationships with others continue to be highlighted at the end of the month and uplifting collaborations could be in the works.
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