Virgo Horoscope for January 2023

Virgo Horoscope for January 2023

Posted on in Virgo |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a month of introspective reflection on where your life is taking you, Virgo, and, as such, and to the extent that you can take advantage of it, presents you with a terrific opportunity for greater integration and clarity moving forward. Your ruler, Mercury, being newly now in retrograde motion, in Capricorn, indicates a month-long period of time of questioning your creativity and where it is taking you. Because the recent Capricorn Solstice and subsequent New Moon took place in this same sector of creative self-expression, you are very focused on this significant area of life while questioning most of your assumptions regarding it. It might feel as though the universe is whispering in your ear, asking you to seek out your deepest and most sincere values in their most fundamental nature, and begin to act strictly upon these and nothing else. This might imply leaving early conditioning and consensus thinking behind. Your communication and outreach thus has a tendency to be more studied and serious as you head into the January 6th Full Moon, a time of further epiphanies regarding your awareness of this almost sacred sense of life mission that you hold inside.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

Your passions, your creative life, your work, and how you make it all happen could be on your mind as the New Year arrives. You are also likely to be feeling a deep connection to important others in your life, and to your own inner world, due to the prominence of Jupiter in the recent Capricorn Solstice and subsequent Christmastime New Moon. Productivity always has an important place in your world yet what it means to be productive could be taking on a whole new meaning at this time. This month could bring the need to reconcile your creative life with a career path in a way that is both sustainable and pleasant.

Your ruler Mercury is also moving retrograde in Capricorn, or just recovering, for the entire month of January, and this implies that you could be rethinking your approach to your creative projects or have to contend with logistical issues in getting them actualized. In general it is not a good time to “push the river,” but rather a time of reflection, review and research into new possibilities without needing to make it all happen right away. Mars in Gemini, also moving retrograde in your career sector since late October of last year may have brought more profound reflections as to where you want to focus and invest your energies, especially with regard to career and profession. There could be a link between what others are offering and opportunities for advancement yet you may be subject to incomplete results or divided between offers of support and your need for autonomy.

Venus enters Aquarius on the evening of the 2nd thus newly emphasizing the sector of your chart related to health and daily routine. Time management might be of help so that you can do more with your time, leaving you more space for leisurely activities. on Also on the 2nd, Mercury, your ruler, still retrograde in Capricorn, forms a sextile with Neptune in Pisces highlighting romantic feelings, creativity and partnerships, so that making time for pleasure could prove to be quite medicinal at this time.

The Cancer Full Moon takes place on January 6th shining a light on your aspirations and the communities or acquaintances that support your creative work and your self-expression. Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn conjunct the Sun in this Full Moon might emphasize a revision process or further adjustments that are needed for something to run more smoothly. The tension between your self-expression and individuality versus what is demanded of you socially is highlighted and could be productive or else it may be difficult to reconcile the two. The Full Moon forms a square to Chiron in Aries and a sextile to Uranus in Taurus, which might provide surprising revelations or illuminate internal factors within the agreements that bind you to others. Something could seem somewhat irreconcilable yet the moment of Mercury coming into exact conjunction with the Sun in Capricorn early morning of the next day, known as Mercury Cazimi, could provide a moment of clarity contributing to innovative insights or solutions.

Mars turns direct in Gemini on the 12th after two and a half months of moving backward and so his retrograde cycle begins to wind down. Things should gradually start to gain momentum in the months ahead, particularly concerning career issues. Mercury turns direct a week later on the 18th, and then takes two and a half weeks o recover its lost zodiacal longitude, known as Mercury’s retrograde shadow, so that you emerge from this entire cycle on February 7th. This should help you streamline your workflow and productivity in the next month.

The Sun enters Aquarius on the 20th and the energy shifts somewhat to matters of day-to-day organization and your daily working environment.

The Aquarius New Moon in takes place a day later on January 21st. This signals the beginning of a new cycle for organizational matters and health topics. You might find that your attention turns toward your physical reality in the weeks ahead and it may be a good time to set intentions related to your health. Venus is applying to conjoin Saturn in this configuration which may highlight the need to return to a more disciplined or pragmatic approach to health after a period of excess.

Venus enters your opposite sign of Pisces on the evening of the 26th which may bring a positive influence for relationship matters in the weeks ahead. You may be able to be more compromising and more interested in finding common ground with others.

From January 28th to the 30th, the month closes with much-needed fluidity with the Sun in Aquarius forming a grand trine with Mars in Gemini and the new planet Makemake in Libra. Mercury in Capricorn is simultaneously forming a trine with Uranus in Taurus. This could be the beginning of a very productive phase, extending into the following month, when inner values come to the forefront of your career thinking and your creativity is stimulated. The time spent getting organized and planning in the latter part of the month could now pay off and you may be able to find the right measure of work and play and attention to others in the coming month which could feel satisfying.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
From $14.95

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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