Posted on October 31, 2022 in Virgo
By Henry Seltzer and Elodie St-Onge Aubut for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes
This is a month of fresh beginnings in communication for you, Virgo, and as well in forms of inquiry and the growth in understanding that accompanies any new uncovering of information. One source for this is your deep intuition, the place within you beyond logic that intimately and unerringly knows what is right, needing only to be accepted by your ego as a valid pathway to truth. Another area that is featured now for you would be your values and your resources including your financial ones. While fluctuation in other areas is endemic to your situation, this one, although a bit confused, should stay fairly steady. Of greater intrinsic interest, perhaps, is your evolving worldview. Especially with the very potent lunar eclipse and Full Moon of November 8th, this likely will be a ferment of possibility, offset however by an equal sense of fundamental limits on unbridled growth in the universe of ideas. Some part of you wants to remain committed to a life path that, while unexpectedly novel, yet retains large measures of connectivity to what has gone before. This is so, even as your past self is being in some ways irrevocably left behind.
The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology
The partial solar eclipse New Moon in Scorpio that took place during the last week of October, on the 25th, set the stage for the first three weeks of the current month, emphasizing the communication and learning sector of your chart. This Scorpio eclipse may bring realizations in the weeks ahead surrounding your self-expression and the ways you communicate with your entourage. You might feel a need to let go of tightly held concepts that do not serve their purpose anymore. This time could also help you to realize that you have to refine your skills in order to align with a goal. Organizational and logistical matters could be on your mind during the first weeks of November and you could be wanting to reconcile your big-picture goals with your daily chores. Discipline may be important in order to get through your tasks efficiently, but you might also have to contend with unforeseen factors, adding extra pressure, especially at work.
Mars also turned retrograde in Gemini at the end of last month, which might, as November begins, find you rethinking your approach to your career objectives and more extensively bringing a situation at home to culminate. Advancement will surely be on your mind in the months ahead and you could experience impatience or frustrations for things that are not moving fast enough. Mars retrograde in Gemini might bring challenging energy and added pressure to make decisions. However, situations related to your career or your home life could take a few months to unfold as Mars moves retrograde.
The very powerful Full Moon and lunar eclipse in Taurus takes place on November 8th. You may experience restlessness or boredom with the status quo, leading you to new realizations and communication breakthrough. This eclipse energizes your vision sector of Higher Mind, and you might feel the urge to travel or to learn something new. Things may not be as straightforward as you would like, however, and you may have to tend to your pre-existing responsibilities before launching yourself toward new adventures. The current astrological weather is quite complex and you could need to be more selective about your energetic investments. Although there is momentum for innovation at this time, which is shown by Uranus forming an exact conjunction with the eclipse Moon, also Saturn in Aquarius forms a square to the eclipse Sun and Moon, and Uranus, and this aspect in the eclipse configuration could demand that you be more deliberate with your time and plan accordingly – as opposed to spreading yourself too thin.
By the second weekend of November, additional focus could emphasize your most important partnerships. Communication with others might feel more fluid and flexible thanks to Venus and Mercury in Scorpio forming supportive aspects to both Neptune in Pisces and Pluto in Capricorn. It should be easier to approach tangly emotional topics with care and empathy continuing throughout the third week of November as Venus in Scorpio forms a trine with Jupiter in Pisces just before entering Sagittarius on the 15th.
Mercury enters Sagittarius a few days later on the 17th, energizing the home and domestic sector of your chart. There could be more cohesion available at this time for your personal projects and it may be easier to sort out your priorities. This is especially so from the 17th to the 19th as the Sun in Scorpio comes into a helpful sextile with Pluto in Capricorn. Things that might have felt overwhelming or scattered at the beginning of the month could start to make sense; although the square between Mars retrograde in Gemini and Neptune in Pisces, from the 14th through the 23rd, reflects a certain amount of anxiety or confusion still being part of the equation. The Sun enters the Fire sign of Sagittarius on the 22nd.
The Sagittarius New Moon in arrives a day later on the 23rd. Both Mercury and Venus are conjoined in Sagittarius at the time of the New Moon while Jupiter stations direct in Pisces. This is a powerful incentive moment, especially for things related to your domestic life and more extensively, your partnerships. You find that you have fresh energy for dealing with a domestic project, whether this relates to family matters, your dwelling space itself, or issues with your family of origin. The following cycle, extending well into December, represents a terrific time for depth diving down into your psychological roots. These efforts will be rewarding, and you might come up with a pearl of wisdom.
From the 28th to the 29th, the month of November closes with Mars in Gemini and Mercury in Sagittarius opposing each other while both aspecting Saturn in Aquarius. You could need to make small adjustments at work for things to run smoothly and this may have to do with integrating new ways of doing something so you can be more efficient. Either way, things should feel like they are moving ahead at this time, especially if you can focus on the larger picture as opposed to all the details that stand in your way.
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