Posted on January 31, 2018 in Virgo
By Henry Seltzer and Adam Elenbaas for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes
This is a significant month for you, Virgo, when issues of service to others, and to your own spiritual growth, predominate. The astrological energies are powerful, and point you toward changes in your self-expression that partake of a “stop-and-go” flavor. On some days your thoughts and feelings flow freely, while at other times you feel stymied. When you work through the attitudes that hold you back, however, you engender long-lasting results. Partnership idealizations may have this quality also, of freedom-loving progress on the one hand, and going more slowly, and with greater commitment, on the other. After February 15th, you find that you are delving deep inside yourself for your truest values, and then proceeding to act upon these, once you know what they are. You are even more firmly committed to attitudes of service to those around you, and to the ideas that you can detect as emanations from your Higher Self.
The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School
The month begins just one day after the January 31st lunar eclipse in Leo. This eclipse landed in your twelfth house. Lunar eclipses represent endings and culmination; and the twelfth house is generally related to spiritual healing and crisis, loss and confusion, as well as mystical experiences that come to us through time in nature or time spent alone. If you’ve been wandering, confused, or trying to come to terms with an inner struggle, then this is an especially good month to find your way back into the light again, but don’t be surprised if it takes some time because the effects of eclipses take a while to play out.
Meanwhile, on February 3rd Mercury in Aquarius in your sixth house will make a sextile to Mars in Sagittarius in your fourth house. This is a great time for home improvement, or for the renewal of health or wellness in the family, or for hiring someone to help you with something that needs fixing. On the other hand, this transit can indicate impulsive communication and mental intemperance, so remember to keep your cool and be easy on yourself and others.
On the same day, Venus in Aquarius in your sixth house will square Jupiter in Scorpio in your third house. It’s a good time for an open and honest dialogue with someone. It’s a good time to seek help or to give counsel or help to someone else. Words and communication may have a deeply healing effect at this time. You may feel inspired to be of service to others, but be careful that you aren’t mixing service to someone in need with romance. Crossing those wires right now can lead to heartache down the road for everyone.
February 7th the Last Quarter Moon in Scorpio will conjoin with Jupiter in your third house. This is a time for deeper honesty. Don’t be afraid to look at the truth, as scary or subversive as it might be. We can’t run from the truth forever. Eventually it finds us, and to the extent that we’ve been avoiding speaking our minds, having that difficult conversation, or being real with ourselves inside, it is that much more painful when the truth finally comes out. Remember to be gentle with yourself. Nobody is perfect, and making mistakes is far less important than how we respond and recover from our mistakes.
February 10th the planet Venus moves into Pisces, where it was traditionally said to be “exalted.” It will also move into your seventh house of love and marriage. This signals a time when romance and love may be greatly emphasized. It’s also a great time for socializing with others and finding harmony, beauty, and friendship wherever you go.
On February 15th it’s a New Moon and solar eclipse in the sign of Aquarius in your sixth house. This eclipse signifies the start of something brand new. If there is anything sick that needs healing, this eclipse will begin the process. Difficult events or unexpected challenges at this time may also lead to new opportunities for healing and personal growth, so trust the healing process.
On February 17th Mars in Sagittarius in your fourth house will square Neptune in Pisces in your seventh house. This transit is all about sacrifice, compromise, and surrender, and it will highlight your relationships as well as your home or family. Remember to be discerning. There is a difference between a healthy sacrifice and becoming a martyr for someone or something that you shouldn’t.
On February 17th Mercury will enter its traditional “fall” by moving into Pisces and your seventh house. It’s very important to use your best judgment and to be as discerning as possible during this transit. Communication in relationships can become quite blurry, and it’s possible for emotional manipulations or distortions of the truth to occur. Try to remain objective while also speaking and listening from the heart.
On February 18th the Sun will enter the sign of Pisces and your seventh house, and on February 21st Venus will conjoin Neptune in Pisces in your seventh house. Love, relationships, and your social life become the main theme as the month unfolds. There are opportunities for healing, growth, and transformation here, but they will require knowing the difference between truth and fantasy, both within yourself and on the part of others.
Then on February 23rd, the First Quarter Moon in Gemini lands in your tenth house. Watch for significant changes or decisions to be made in the work place, and don’t be surprised if work is very busy.
Finally, Mercury will conjoin with Neptune in Pisces in your seventh house and Venus in Pisces will square Mars in Sagittarius in your fourth house, both on February 25th. Par for the course. All month long the same themes of home/family and relationships are popping up for you. If there are secrets you’ve been hiding from others, don’t expect that others can’t sense what’s going on. If there is honesty, affection, and love to be shared, don’t hold back. If there is healing and transformation that needs to happen in your home and your love life, then surrender and allow yourself to be vulnerable. It’s worth repeating that, “nobody is perfect.” What matters most is that we show compassion to ourselves and others.
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