Virgo Horoscope for March 2016

Virgo Horoscope for March 2016

Posted on in Virgo |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

You are entering into another amazing period of growth, and potentially of change, Virgo. Partnership has long been a source of inspiration, and also of confusion for you, with a good dose of transformation as well. Your own sense of artistic self-expression has been another moving target lately, with rich rewards in the offing once you see clearly what it is that you truly want, and head in that direction. Emotional instability is one term for what you have been feeling lately, although another could be — internal rearrangement of emotional priorities. You are in motion, no doubt at all about that, and unsure of where you will end up. And, in another way, this feels strangely exhilarating, like leaving the country of your birth for exotic lands and novel customs that you might, in the end, grow to enjoy.

As the month begins, you are feeling the shift represented by the recent Full Moon in your sign, from the final week of February, leading up to the subsequent First Quarter Moon of March 1st. This was a signal that partnership in your life was more fully 'up' for you, and that you would be navigating issues of relationship for the remainder of this current lunar cycle, continuing through the first week of March. This relationship emphasis has been colored these past few years by the subtle and spiritually-oriented energy of Neptune, residing in your one-on-one sector and very much activated by these recent lunations, so that there is an element of uncertainty in how you conceive the factor of partnership with significant others. You may have an idealized sense of the importance of a particular person for you, and yet along with the fantasy comes doubts about what is really going on with the way that this person shows up in your life. These conundrums are even more poignant for you over the final two weeks of the Aquarius cycle, heading into the Pisces New Moon of Monday March 8th.

This next New Moon is actually an especially powerful one for you, a solar eclipse in your opposite sign, which therefore brings relationship issues very significantly front and center. Several of the other outer planets are activated, as well as your ruler Mercury, in Pisces as of March 5th. There are definitely paradoxical elements at work here also. With Jupiter activated in your identity sector, you are quite optimistic about making things work, and yet as indicated by the presence also of Chiron, the Wounded Healer, in your relationship sector, conjoined to the Sun and Moon, and opposed by Jupiter, there could also simultaneously arise doubts combined with issues of self-confidence. Your optimism is symbolically tempered, as well, by a strong presence of conservative Saturn in another key sector of your solar chart, so that you are a person of many moods and attitudes right now. This does seem to be a quite significant month for getting in closer touch with what you really want in terms of partnership connection.

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