Virgo Horoscope for February 2016

Virgo Horoscope for February 2016

Posted on in Virgo |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

You enter into another intense and interesting monthly cycle, Virgo, following up on what has come before this moment in time as the recent retrograde period of your ruler, Mercury, winds down. Mercury stationed direct at the beginning of the last week of January, and has still to recover its lost Zodiacal longitude, finally straightening out by mid-month. You have been deeply meditating on your artistic self-expression, reviewing the ways that your creativity has blossomed in recent years, and evolved in motivation as well as in technique. Perhaps you feel the pull of cosmicly aligned forces, that your creative impulse serve others and help to foster the social changes that you would like to see emerging during this decade of transformation. In this current cycle you are at a pivotal crossroad, with the blessings of good fortune to light your way toward a more effective actualization of your vision for a better tomorrow.

As the month begins, you are perhaps still reeling from the intensity of recent days. Because Mercury is your ruler, you feel even more poignantly the period of time during the last ten days of January when it was in the process of stationing to direct motion, the whole time in close conjunction with the transformational energy of Pluto, located in your sector of self-expression, romance and play. Children, too, come into the picture of this astrological house, and all these areas are the subjects of long-term major change in your life, made even stronger by Pluto's close connection right now with both Uranus and Saturn. These factors emphasize the revolutionary ardor of the beginning of this year, and your recognition of the necessity for major change. You are getting better acquainted with the structural adjustments that are part and parcel of finding a more viable path ahead, both individually and collectively.

As far as your own creativity is concerned, several things can be said. For one thing, your consciousness around this ongoing process of deep change has mightily grown over this past year, and has continued to increase over the last part of the previous month. Secondly, because Mercury will re-enter Aquarius only in mid-February, escaping its retrograde shadow, your plans in response are firming up over this coming two-week period. Finally, as you more closely examine the needful process of transforming certain aspects of your creativity, and the sacrifice of old and outmoded behaviors that is thus required, you are likely to look to inner guidance for important considerations. You intuition is strong right now, and you are steadfast in the earnest pursuit of your most cherished intentions, as you move yourself forward.

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