Posted on February 1, 2025 in Taurus
By Henry Seltzer and Alea Balzer for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes
This month brings the mystical more directly into your life, Taurus, via the agency of Venus, your ruler. As the month begins, Venus is conjunct numinous Neptune in Pisces, featured as well in the Aquarius New Moon that continues to play out through February. This Venus-Neptune position conjuncts the North Lunar Node, for added emphasis, and is also hovering on the edge of your twelfth sector of dream imagination, inner work, and unconscious process. In some ways what is deep inside you and what is essentially transpersonal, partaking of dimensions beyond the physical, are one and the same. Either way you are being challenged now to face internal realities that can be more truthful as representations of what exists than simplistic logic and merely materialistic thought forms. These are all around you in terms for what the consensus has to offer, and which however are not enough to be a good set of guideposts for what you are all about. You are enjoined to take a more inclusive pathway as you move forward, and everything, including vocational situations, depends on your doing just that. The Full Moon of February 12th represents a strong reminder of your intuitional sense of yourself, including surprise revelations, that affect your work in the outer world and all else that you are set up to accomplish.
The following was written by our guest columnist Alea Balzer. You can write her at
You enter February in the early days of the dynamic lunation cycle seeded in your sector of vocation and reputation in the timing of the recent Aquarius New Moon from late last month. Featuring a Mercury-Pluto conjunction in the most visible area of your chart, topics related to your professional future and worldly ambitions could absorb your attention all this month. These issues of public persona may linked to a comprehensive reframing process underway in this area with transformative Pluto highlighted in tis sector. Developments may push you to confront your relationship to power or feel linked to survival. The New Moon also forms a supportive trine to Jupiter in your values and resources sector — implying changes or consideration of livelihood, skill set, and what’s meaningful to you could be generative of renewed confidence.
This lunation cycle is also characterized by a triple conjunction between your ruling planet, Venus, Neptune, and the Lunar North Node in Pisces, perfecting on the 1st in your sphere of friendship and long-term goals. Your interior world is also affected. Your creativity and social enjoyment may be especially emphasized in the early days of February. Whether you’re dreaming of a different future or connections that uplift your spirit, whatever it is that inspires you could be significant to the unfolding of a new story in this social area of your chart now that the North Node has entered Pisces. Neptune and the North Node remain conjoined throughout the month, amplifying your compassionate and collective impulses while also potentially heightening potential confusion or implausible yearnings.
Venus’ ingress into Aries on February 3rd could bring up hidden feelings and a solo meditative mode as she enters your sector of spirituality and hidden matters. Because connecting to Pluto in Aquarius by long sextile until February 10th, whether it’s relational challenges at work that feel undermining or subconscious blocks to fulfilling your outer aspirations, you could be confronted with what’s beneath the surface. You also have the consciousness of early childhood wounding coming to the surface and the urge to do something about these matters in terms of the possibility of making progress on healing such issues.
An ongoing square also exists between Chiron in Aries and Mars retrograde in Cancer — your sector of the mind, siblings, and local environment. This could bring partners into the picture of your healing. Prioritizing solitude, self-reflection, and spiritual processes may be important in as well, as you deal with this relatively tense dynamic that could spark reactivity as circumstances prod at foundational wounds, issues from the past, or illuminate blocks to authentic communication. Writing or confiding in a trusted confidante could ease any inner turmoil that may arise, and help illuminate blind spots, including those tied to your individuality or your approach to conflict.
On February 4th, Jupiter stations direct in Gemini, bringing your resources and talents further to the fore in this powerful week of the 3rd. The planet of abundance changing direction makes it far more potent in its effects, heralding a more optimistic outlook on your finances or revived confidence in your skill set, along with enthusiastic communicative outreach.
Mercury conjoins the Sun in Aquarius on the 8th and 9th. Associated with the clarity of conscious awareness, new information, feedback, and ideas may invigorate your vocational matters. The Sun and Mercury simultaneously form an applying square to Uranus in your identity sector, emphasizing elements of the unexpected and originality stemming from what is uniquely you — your personal development, health, or drive for authenticity could be disrupting business as usual to open new doors.
On February 12th, the Leo Full Moon arrives, highlighting your sector of home and family concerns. An extremely activated presence of Trickster Uranus in your sign, thus your identity sector, could illuminate the way familial dynamics influence how you feel about your role there or involving your actual dwelling space, vis a vis the persona that you adopt as you come across to others, and perhaps external success. In forming a T-square with the Promethean planet of Uranus in your identity sector, this Full Moon brings the feeling of moving somewhere unfamiliar — you or your relationship with your environment may suddenly seem different, possibly emphasizing the emotional effects of change or instability along with your need to be truly seen and loved for who you are. This Full Moon also strongly emphasizes unconscious process within you, perhaps internal wounding and its potential for healing, certainly a determination to strive for better integration between inner and outer as you continue to evolve.
Mercury enters Pisces on the 14th, closely followed by the Sun on the 18th, where a buildup of planets puts the spotlight your social connections, networking, and goals as you enter Pisces season.
On February 23rd, Mars stations to turn direct in Cancer, when you could see challenges or efforts related to your mental health, siblings, or learning and communication related endeavors take prominence. Though Mars won’t catch up to where it left off in Leo till May, you may begin to feel a shift in your motivation or relief as the energy slowly starts moving forward. Forming a trine to Mercury in Pisces as it stations, conversations or collaborations that have stalled could make headway. Trusting people enough to let them know what you need or where you’re at, including when you disagree, will support this process
From the 24th to the 25th, A Mercury-Saturn conjunction in Pisces could help to ground big visions with a practical strategy, though may have you dwelling on ways you don’t belong. This transit supports hard but necessary conversations and may align with serious contemplation of the foundations you're building for the future, including within your friendships and community.
As the month draws to a close, the Pisces New Moon on February 27th opens a new cycle in your sector of friendship, allies, and higher aspirations. Forming a square to Jupiter, the traditional ruler of the Pisces New Moon, located in your values and resources sector, your social life could be wild as you enter March, along with important inner work. Your planetary ruler, Venus, is quite prominent in this New Moon, and located in your sector of dream work and unconscious process, which suggests withdrawing to enjoy solitary time. A sextile between Mercury/Saturn in Pisces with Uranus in your sign, related to your sphere of identity, gives you another catalyst for change over the coming month; as you become clearer regarding your convictions, you might have a vision for your future plans that reflects your deeper values, plus attract like-minded social connections.
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