Taurus Horoscope for October 2024

Taurus Horoscope for October 2024

Posted on in Taurus |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This month, Taurus, is one of partnership connection and commitment, mystical understanding, and service to others around you. The New Moon and solar eclipse of October 2nd is a powerful one for members of your sign, featuring a grand trine of Venus, your ruler, Mars, traditional ruler of your opposite sign, and Saturn in your social sector. Uranus in your sign, now in retrograde motion, has been featured in prior weeks and again in this extremely dynamic October configuration, implying that surprise events and unexpected revelations may continue to be the order of the day. There are new possibilities for understanding the spiritual underpinnings of what you are attempting. There is also a close conjunction of a degree and a half between Mercury and the eclipse degree in Libra. Your sector of unconscious process, also ruled by Mars, is extremely active as well, so that inner wounding could raise issues, in a continuation from the previous month. This as you continue to evolve in these times of transformation for you as an individual, and for the collective that surrounds you. The Aries Full Moon of October 17th is transformationally potent and represents a culmination of all these developmental threads within you, for both conscious and unconscious process.

The following was written by our guest columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The October month begins for you astrologically with a significant solar eclipse and New Moon on the 2nd, taking place in the sign of Libra, with your ruler, Venus, located in your opposite sign. You are coming off of a rather intensely introspective previous month, with Mercury recovering from its retrograde and numinous Neptune affecting your sector of unconscious process. This month, in contrast, you are more involved in the reality of day-to-day life, habitual behaviors, and service orientation to others around you.

Venus in Scorpio in this powerful New Moon event emphasizes partnerships of all kinds throughout the month. The Libra eclipse could also bring you extra work in the next few weeks, and you may have to rely on the support of your collaborators and close partners to help you get through this busy spell. Dealing with your schedule diligently could help manage your workload and avoid double-booking yourself. As the month progresses you could crave some down time to take stock of where things are heading or reorganize your priorities.

On the 9th, Jupiter stations to retrograde motion in Gemini in aspect to both Mercury and Chiron, making for a thoughtful and potentially productive second week of the month when you could find yourself mentally assessing interior matters with a great deal of analysis and ideas. These could relate to inner wounding as it relates to your relationships, or just to simply how you manage to get through your day.

Pluto turns direct in Capricorn on the 11th which may bring an awareness of where you need to make adjustments to your sails before proceeding forward

On the weekend of the 12th and 13th, these matters may come to a head, while the need for taking some time for your personal self may become increasingly obvious, as the Sun in Libra forms a trine with Jupiter in Gemini and a square with Mars in Cancer.

On the 13th as well, to the 14th, Venus, your ruler, is opposing trickster Uranus in your sign, bringing surprise events and unexpected enlightenment to your partnership agreements and your life in general.

The Full Moon in Aries takes place on October 17th referencing again your interior process, and this could be your cue to take a step forward to reassess where you really want to invest your energy right now. You are being nudged by the universe to include inner work and intuition in your planning; dreams might provide significant information and it could help to be able to write them down. Venus is trine Neptune and sextile to Pluto in this Full Moon, and there is idealism and life-changing transformation that is in the air for you. You could be feeling pulled in many directions and you may have to pay attention to multiple levels in order to be fully present to your changes.

Partnerships could be again taking center-stage as the Sun moves into Scorpio on the 22nd onward so that the support of others could be on your mind.

From the 27th to the 28th, Venus forms a square with Saturn moving retrograde in Pisces while Mars begins to oppose Pluto at the top of your chart, implying further career metamorphosis. To a certain extent, you could feel at the mercy of other people’s decisions, especially career-wise but this could be a good thing, increasing your ability to be flexible around your personal predisposition for collaborating. You may have to negotiate or revisit an agreement with someone before the end of the month and this could prove to be clarifying in the long run.

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