Posted on April 30, 2024 in Taurus
By Henry Seltzer and Alea Balzer for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes
This is a month, Taurus, of confronting hitherto unrecognized powers within you and unconscious desires. This might sound more difficult than it turns out to be. This idea is indicated by a huge Aries stellium in your sector of dream imagination and inner work, the sign that was highlighted by the recent New Moon eclipse three weeks back. Issues from then have likely continued into the present month. Right from May 1st, you could find yourself paradoxically more fully invested in your daytime public persona while also feeling even more directly connected to what is going on within you in the deeper layers of your psyche. You might be tested in your commitment to a profound principle of internal moral commitment that is essentially a promise made to yourself rather than to any others. Riding the wave of positive energy from the recent conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus in your sign, and the Scorpio Full Moon, you are likely filled with brilliant ideas for transcending old habits and routines, perhaps with the aid and support of trusted partners. Mars newly into Aries additionally suggests that important others in your life could be helpful in sorting out what appears to be you emerging from your somewhat troubled depths.
The following was written by our guest columnist Alea Balzer. You can write her at
You enter May in the waning of the Aries lunation cycle, which was led off by a potent solar eclipse that took place in your sphere of meditation, spirituality, and unconscious understandings. This important area of life is thus the site of evolutionary process over the next six months. Chiron's prominence during this recent eclipse timing calls for you to participate in your development by reorienting your consideration of core wounds around belonging, agency, and embodiment. You are also continuing to transform in your vocational arrangements and the way that you see yourself inhabiting outer commitments in a way that is consistent with inner values.
On May 1st, the Last Quarter Moon in Aquarius, with the Sun now in your sign, additionally connects these vulnerabilities to how you show up in the world or your role as a healer or mentor. Venus, your ruler, forms a square to Pluto from your sphere of identity, suggesting that your current social magnetism might aid you in advancement and recognition and yet also require you to confront shadows around visibility and self-esteem.
Pluto's station retrograde in Aquarius on the 2nd calls even greater attention to the long-term metamorphosis related to your career and public profile that you find yourself in the midst of. A sextile to Pluto from Mars in Aries further indicates you might not be on the same page as far as your ambitions in the world — it may be illuminating to explore self-protective mechanisms that closet your ambitions or other ways you are driven to justify your existence.
From the 5th to the 7th, a recovering Mercury makes a conjunction to Chiron in Aries, again pointing to the influence of your mental health and subconscious beliefs. What may be helpful here is talking to a trusted confidante, writing, or meditative learning. It could come to pass that you offer insight and comfort to another. Your inner knowing is the source of wisdom, and yet sometimes, it feels like a crisis is imminent when you just need some immediate tlc. Learning to listen to yourself will sharpen your intuition.
The New Moon in your sign on the evening of the 7th seeds a new cycle in your sphere of identity that could align with a rejuvenated sense of faith in life or physical wellbeing. Inner work comes up again for the second successive cycle. While last month's potent Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in your sign was exciting at the time, it could also represent a more long-lasting legacy that could take some time to bear fruit. In other words, what is gestating now relates to an expanded experience of yourself and of the way you meet the world, including notions of who you are, how you present to others, and where you are headed.
The presence in this New Moon of Jupiter and Venus, the greater and lesser benefics, indicates you have opportunities now for personal growth and enjoyment, marking a stabilizing shift in tone for the year. The sextile from Sun and Moon to Saturn that is also present in this New Moon offers up the idea that restructuring in your social realm and life ambitions could be harmonious with your personal evolution. Cultivating traditions will be grounding for you, especially those that honor what has come to pass and help you arrive in the present. Perhaps this is a daily practice that connects you to the earth, your body, comfort, and creativity.
On the 12th and 13th, the Sun conjoins Uranus in Taurus extending an ongoing provocation to get free. What may be revitalizing here is loosening your grip on strict identity definitions, codes of conduct, or concern for the opinions of others.
Mercury enters Taurus on the 15th, applying to a square with Pluto that is active through the 17th increasing your consciousness around the transformational changes taking place within you relating to your vocational choices and attitudes.
On the 15th also, the First Quarter Moon in Leo, with the Sun in your sign, connects home and family karma to your developmental process, including your authority stance. Perhaps this relates as well to your sense of home in your body and how you nurture yourself and feel safe. Intractable tensions between your passions and profession could be emphasized. You might claim your power in standing up for yourself in your professional context or in sharing a truth with a wider audience — and note that this requires consideration and self-awareness.
Venus conjoins Uranus on the 17th and also on the 18th, which is the same day as a Jupiter Cazimi. This is an auspicious day for attracting what you want or breakthroughs via creative experimentation, including different approaches to your body and health. New connections, opportunities, ideas, or steps taken toward ambitions may have longer-term influence. Your values, self-presentation, tastes, and relationship dynamics may shift abruptly or be in flux.
From the 18th and the 21st, a Mars-North Node conjunction in Aries is in the air energizing behind-the-scenes work. Your evolutionary call is the spiritual work of individuation. Connecting to some sense of your essential nature, beyond your personality and ego structures, will anchor you amid outer changes. Processes of self-seeking, spiritual exploration, and psychological excavation may get to the root of something important for future understandings.
The Sun enters Gemini on the 20th, initiating a new emphasis in your sector of finances, values, and self-esteem.
On the 23rd, The Sagittarius Full Moon lands in your sector of shared resources, intimacy, and personal transformation and illuminates their significance. Venus conjoins Jupiter in the last degree of your sign, as both planets connect to Neptune in Pisces, by a perfect sextile, across your spheres of identity and community. This is an auspicious and positive signature, which might also be accompanied by some degree of confusion. As the poet Paul Éluard wrote "There is another world, and it is in this one." The remainder of the month might arrive with feelings of reverence and connection to something much larger than yourself. You benefit by prioritizing what brings you meaning and joy, including matters of love and social connection. As Venus moves into Gemini following the Full Moon, this additionally indicates you value your gifts, and that others may support them materially.
Jupiter enters Gemini on the 25th. Topics related to your resources and how you make a living offer a path of meaning and opportunity over the next year. While a pragmatic approach to financial matters is wise, it may be an advantageous time to upskill, monetize your talents, launch a product, or harness technological innovations. You may feel an expanded sense of abundance, be it in your material circumstances or simply having more time or independence. Jupiter in Gemini blesses the questioner — your self-belief and confidence to ask for what you want will be rewarded.
The Sun, Venus, and Jupiter all connect to Pluto by trine as they enter Gemini. Thus, from the 20th till the end of May, your work or talents may reach a larger audience or alter your professional course. Unexpected news may arrive in the last few days of the month as a Mercury-Uranus conjunction perfects in Taurus. This can align with an entirely new perspective or solution to a stagnant scenario.
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