Taurus Horoscope for February 2024

Taurus Horoscope for February 2024

Posted on in Taurus |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a month, Taurus, of a great deal of concentrated attention on both partnership in your life, and your public statement, in terms of career and profession. As the 2024 year gets underway, you are also brimming with new ideas for how to proceed in these crucial areas, and with tons of optimism operating for you. There could also be, slowing you down, hints within the depths of your subconscious process about perceived internal flaws stemming from childhood wounds that you are ready to move beyond, given half a chance, and this goes better for you when you allow yourself to have the faith to see these changes through. Transformation is a big word for you this month as well, with Pluto recently entering Aquarius, your career sector, and affecting pretty much everything. The February 9th Aquarius New Moon makes for a significant juncture, when you are coming into a renewed understanding of deep-seated values and the way that they match up with career goals you have, aiming to a better integration everywhere. You win when you can go with the flow and respect the changes that the Universe, and your higher Self, has in store for you, this time around.

The following was written by our guest columnist Alea Balzer. You can write her at alea.balzer@gmail.com

February meets you in the final eight days of the Capricorn lunar cycle initiated last mid-month in your sphere of belief systems, higher education, and foreign lands. Enlivened by aspects from Jupiter and Uranus in your sign, this cycle is connected to longer processes of embodied growth and change in your outlook and identity expression. With all that Jupiter going on, you might have quite an optimistic month and need only beware of overdoing. An ongoing sextile between Jupiter and Saturn in Pisces helps with that, and offers ambient support, tapering off throughout the month, indicating that your personal expansion is in harmony with developments in your social ecosystem.

On the 4th, Mercury's entrance into Aquarius amplifies Pluto's recent ingress into your sphere of vocation, forming a conjunction with the planet of transformation the next day. Be it sudden change or emerging pressure, events, conversations, and news may provide interesting data about a new kind of life you are being initiated into and a renewed vision of your work in the world. Your mind wants to go deep under a Pluto- Mercury transit, and while it can align with obsessive thinking, sustained concentration is on offer, mainly between the 4th and the 5th.

A concurrent square from Venus in Capricorn to Chiron in Aries points to the influence of your subconscious patterns and beliefs, possibly bringing up core wounds around belonging, self-esteem, and embodiment that may influence your work or approach to outer world objectives.

The Aquarius New Moon lands on the 9th, and you are very focused on your sector of career and professional life. The relationship between your spheres of identity and vocation is highlighted, energized as well by a close square from the New Moon to Uranus in your sign. Plus, adding to the emphasis is a square from Mercury, currently residing in Aquarius as well, to Jupiter. Having Uranus and Jupiter both highlighted in this New Moon makes for an exciting time of brilliant deductions and plentiful new ideas.

Seeding a new cycle in your career sector, the first lunation co-present with Pluto in Aquarius in your lifetime offers that you, the unique sum of all of your experiences, have something meaningful to contribute to the collective. You win when you can let yourself think big, conceptualize and communicate your ambitions, interrogate what success means for you, and be flexible about how new opportunities might emerge.

Mars' ingress into Aquarius on Monday the 12th and conjunction with Pluto sets the tone for the following week. By the 16th, your ruling planet, Venus, follows suit. The meeting of the planets of love and war (or maybe sex) with Pluto comes with a reminder that the absence of conflict does not imply peace – there is value in bringing hidden tension or injustice out into the open, where it can be seen and dealt with. Pluto wants to put you in touch with your essential nature. Feelings of disempowerment, jealousy, or anger associated with your career or reputation may act as a trailhead to a more profound understanding of your desires, drives, and values.

The First Quarter Moon in your sign also takes place on the 16th. Events or insights mid-month may feel particularly activating on account of a square between Mercury in Aquarius and Uranus in your sign, which perfects in this timing. Unexpected insight related to authority, power, money, or creativity may now call for action or a change of tact as your understanding of a situation and your motivations and capabilities evolve.

Chiron's conjunction with the Lunar North Node in Aries from the 12th to the 24th might also point to the influence of wounding and shadow mechanisms related to mental and physical health, self-assertion, and independence at this juncture. Embracing something new likely requires reorienting your relationship to vulnerabilities forged in crisis or pain, which also equip you to help and guide others.

On the 18th, the Sun enters Pisces signaling an emerging focus on community participation, friendships, and long-term dreams over the next month.

From the 20th to the 24th, a conjunction between Venus and Mars in Aquarius suggests whatever is stirred up earlier in the month now gives way to a deeper sense of internal cooperation about what you want and how you will achieve it. This may align with a more authentic understanding or reconciliation within a workplace relationship or a fertile financial, artistic, or collaborative connection.

These themes remain in the air at the Virgo Full Moon on the 24th in your sphere of self-expression, romance, and children – illuminating the significance of your creative expression and the healing capacity of fun and shared connection. The Sun is flanked by Saturn and Mercury in Pisces, rulers of the current lunar cycle and Full Moon, which serves as a reminder that there are new friends you haven't met yet and established, or possibly older, allies you can call on. Mars and Venus form energizing squares to Jupiter in your sign, suggesting luck is on your side concerning mutually beneficial efforts and professional recognition. The earth sign emphasis may help to ground with a practical strategy the more visionary and cerebral qualities of highlighted Pisces and Aquarius in this monthly cycle.

This process of making ideas real gets a zap of solar confidence in the final days of the month as Mercury and Saturn move through the heart of the Sun in Pisces on the 28th. This symbolizes a union of purpose, mindset, and commitment, while applying sextiles from the Sun and Mercury to Jupiter proposes that stating your goals and standing for what you believe in will support mutual alignment. It's likely you feel revived or inspired by other people's ideas or wisdom in this end-of-month timing. You leave February buoyed by a spirit of camaraderie, which contributes to your belief in yourself as well as the value of your gifts and your ability to materialize your ambitions.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
From $14.95

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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