Taurus Horoscope for January 2019

Taurus Horoscope for January 2019

Posted on in Taurus |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a stunner of a new month and year for you, Taurus, with plenty of food for thought for your mind and for your heart to feast upon. The eclipses of January bring fresh ways of seeing and participating in the world around you with decidedly mystical flavor attached. After mid-month, the dichotomy of public and private concerns rises to a fever pitch, while the startling enlightenment of these novel times continues and even intensifies. There are brand new perceptions leading to a different and more profoundly evolutionary set of problems to surmount. Partnership, shared intimacy, and an extended study of your own inner world hold many of the keys. A springboard is being loaded that will catapult you into new realities as the next ten weeks or so of the new year unfold, to the point where you see spiritual paths opening up before you and will no longer even recognize your former self in the mirror.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

Happy New Year, Taurus!
This month’s astrology is mostly centered on your ninth house of the higher mind, spirituality, and long journeys, starting with a Sun/Saturn conjunction in your ninth house on January 1st, followed by a potent Solar Eclipse in Capricorn on January 5th, a Sun/Pluto conjunction in Capricorn on January 10th, and finally a square from Mars in Aries to Saturn in Capricorn in your ninth house on January 21st.

The emphasis on the topics of faith, higher learning, and long journeys or foreign places isn’t just a trend of the month, either. Eclipses will continue to fall in your ninth house all the way into the winter of 2020, and with Saturn steadily moving closer to its conjunction with Pluto in your ninth house by next winter, all signs are pointing toward a very deep level of change coming into your life surrounding ninth house topics. You might be returning to school or finding teachers, mentors, or spiritual guides, or you might be following the call to teach or lead others in some way. Whatever the case might be, your spiritual life is becoming increasingly important to you, with something of a life changing commitment, trial, or test, coming in the next year. In this respect, you could think of this month as a foreshadowing of the larger journey to come.

With Mars also entering your twelfth house this month, you might be realizing the sacrifices required of you in order to evolve and grow, spiritually. At the same time, be careful of becoming too extreme or rigid in your thinking and actions. Mars’ square with Saturn around January 21st is hard-working but sometimes inflexible and severe.

January also includes several important aspects from Mercury. First, on January 8th, Mercury in Capricorn in your ninth house will square Mars in Aries in your twelfth house. It’s a good time for study, analysis, and research or learning, but it may also be a time of verbal and mental intemperance, stubborn thinking, or argumentativeness. Similarly, between January 12th and 13th, Mercury in Capricorn will conjoin Saturn in Capricorn, and again both planets are in your ninth house. This aspect brings discipline, commitment, seriousness, and maturity to the table. Again, it’s an especially good time for understanding the nuts and bolts of something you are studying, for negotiating contracts or agreements, and for focused thinking and mature communications with teachers or elders.

On January 13th, just as the Sun and Moon come into the square alignment of the First Quarter Moon, Jupiter in Sagittarius in your eighth house of death, rebirth, and other people’s resources will square Neptune in Pisces in your eleventh house. Venus in Sagittarius is also perfecting a trine to Mars in Aries in your twelfth house on January 17th. While you are more seriously focused on faith and higher learning this month, there is also an increasing desire to join your beliefs, values, and resources, with others in order to pursue tangible goals and dreams. Watch for important allies to enter your life right now, but also be on the lookout for big ideas that aren’t well grounded. Make sure you are only investing your time, energy, and resources into those groups and people who you can truly align yourself with on all levels.

On the late evening of January 20th, a Lunar Eclipse lands in Leo in your fourth house, placing a very strong emphasis on transformation and change in your home and family, or in relation to land and property. This eclipse is like the grand finale after more than a year and a half of eclipses that have fallen in this area of your chart. Remember, the effects of an eclipse typically play out over the course of many weeks and months to come, so you can expect that the changes promised in this area of your life may take time to show up.

Then, on January 22nd, Venus and Jupiter will conjoin in Sagittarius in your eighth house of death and rebirth and other people’s resources. It is possible that you receive some unexpected good news toward the end of the month, or that a partner is going through a period of financial growth or good fortune. It may also be a very good time to join with others or to find positive forms of moral, spiritual, or financial support, but you should also be careful of overspending, borrowing or lending too much, or generally overdoing things.

With a new year upon us, now is a wonderful time to receive personalized astrological wisdom for your year ahead with a transit report.

What does 2019 have in store for you?

2019 forecast astrology report
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It's been a very interesting, transformative year, and 2019 is sure to hold many more surprises and mysteries. Thankfully, the wisdom of astrology can help us all prepare for and navigate life with more grace and ease. See what's in store for you with a personalized astrological transit 2019 Forecast Report.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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