Taurus Horoscope for November 2013

Taurus Horoscope for November 2013

Posted on in Taurus |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

Your world is still transforming, Taurus, and you along with it. The pace of change even accelerates as the year winds down, and you find yourself going all out for understanding. Partnership with significant persons in your life is more important than ever this month, as you reexamine its foundations with yourself. You are puzzling over both where your life is currently leading you and also what has engendered the pain of the separation you may feel, as you move forward into your more authentic self. When you examine your own hidden motivations you discover the true gold of your circumstance, involving relationship with important others in a new way, and an unfolding sense of new levels of self-acceptance. The reward is ultimately in the journey, and in the realizations that it brings.

As the month begins, you are likely feeling strong surges of emotional energy around issues of partnership in your life, and connected as well to your own inner reaches. You could also be feeling some degree of pain in refection on relationship in your life, or perhaps on social ties in general, especially those that have not worked out as fully as you would have liked. This vAries with individual cases, within the concept that no matter how well you are currently getting along with significant others, you are feeling into the deficit side of the ledger. This is in any case a contemplative period for you, and one in which you are examining partnership from every angle.

The first three days of November are fairly intense. The Solar Eclipse and New Moon taking place in your opposite sign on Sunday, November 3rd, really lights up the area of relationships, This is especially so since Mars, the ruler of your relationship sector, is closely aspected by the New Moon degree. Then, too, you could find yourself attempting to relive the past in some way, since retrograde Mercury, conjunct the Sun on November 1st, has moved to the degree of the transiting North Node by the time of the eclipse two days later on. You might feel a fated connection of some kind, either forming or in reflecting on past events. The inner working of your relationship dynamic is the subject of your scrutiny. You are also potentially examining issue of prior wounding.

Since all this takes place in the context of Uranus in perfect square with Pluto, aspected by Chiron, Mars and the eclipse degree, there are transformational implications for everything that winds up happening for you, relationship-wise. With transformationally oriented Pluto located in your higher mind sector, and emphasized by not only the New Moon eclipse energy but also the pending conjunction with your ruler, Venus, once Venus slips further into Capricorn by the second weekend of the month, you could say that your word view is mightily morphing, and you along with it. In a way, your vision creates what it beholds. Visionary Uranus in powerful aspect occupies your twelfth sector of dream imagination and inner work, so that these two powerhouse planetary energies are setting you up for success of a very different kind than is normally recognized in the eyes of the world.

Neptune is highlighted as well in November's configurations. Residing in your sector of wishes and hopes, goals and societal association, this numinous planetary archetype symbolizes an idealism and a heart connection regarding where in this world you might be heading after the transformational storms of this end-of-year period have passed. It continues to be even more vital that you maintain an inner perspective in balance with the real-world viewpoint engendered by your multiplying set of outer responsibilities.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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