Taurus Horoscope for April 2012

Taurus Horoscope for April 2012

Posted on in Taurus |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a powerful and even shamanistic time for you, Taurus. Although your real-world presence is bubbling over, your dreams are coming on strong and might be more present to you than your waking life. The cosmos is proposing a healing practice and your Higher Self and you are taking a good long look. These urgings arise from deep within you, and your worldview is inevitably expanding to match up. You will ultimately be the richer by far for the experiences of this present monthly cycle. Plain old day-to-day reality just does not have the appeal of this temporary doorway straight into your unconscious, and evading the twisted canyons of memory, where you can become anything that your imagination conceives.

As the month begins, you are aware of powerful energy running, although perhaps in a less than entirely conscious way. Ever since the March 22nd New Moon ? and during the first few weeks of the present month ? you inhabit the rich and fertile spaces within you far more vividly than the world of surface events. Everything in the so-called real world seems to be moving behind a veil, while ethereal entities present themselves to you as though they were ordinary callers. You are characteristically fond of the here-and-now, and this month is no exception, so that with one part of yourself you participate gladly and even enthusiastically in the social life around you; but always lately there is this call to another world within you and remote from this three dimensional solidity that in a sudden moment seems rather boring by comparison. You are instinctively doing the best thing for yourself because in this transitional time the keys to your transformation, rather than demonstrated by outer forms, are to be found within you. The real information that you need to move forward is elusive and must be investigated by subtle means. A deep sense of inner knowing is strong for you now, if you can allow yourself to trust it. You might well be feeling a vague dissatisfaction with career and life goals ? difficult, perhaps, to pin down ? as you have felt your worldview shifting over the course of this past year or more. What formerly seemed very clear and straightforward is now, not so much, as you find yourself in that in-between place that is neither caterpillar nor yet butterfly. There is nothing more natural than the confusion and disorientation that you currently feel, and although that does not make it any easier, it does make it more palatable and with any luck more hopeful as well. With the Full Moon of Friday, April 6th, your evolving story becomes more complex. This is a time when idealism is strong as you visualize possibilities for a better world, while also the exigencies of dealing in this one can be troubling, especially on the relationship front. You might feel at this time like the proverbial chameleon, changing your skin to match your social environment, and beginning to wonder if the real you will ever get to stand up for yourself. The answer is yes, but patience may be required. Things morph but also stay the same during the weekend a week further on, because the Last Quarter Moon of Friday, April 13th, represents a lunar phase when events that have come before it in the cycle are re-evaluated and the resulting wisdom distilled for future cycles. You might feel a noticeable shift, especially since Mars is also stationing in your self-expression sector. You continue to feel idealistically motivated, although more than a little out of this world, and perhaps confused. The best approach at this time is the longest term one. With the advent of the April 21st New Moon in your sign, you have loads of social energy and are meeting self as well as other from a deeper place within you. This is your jumping off place for a dramatic and dynamic yearly solar cycle, one that continues your recent trend toward integrating spiritual and practical considerations as you forge a new future plan for yourself out of the ashes of the old one.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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