Posted on September 1, 2012 in Scorpio
By Henry Seltzer for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes
This is a time of great change for you, Scorpio, although in another way just run-of-the-mill. Periodically transforming everything in your life is routine, for you, the snake sheds his skin to make way for the new deal. Your work in the world is important to you these days but is less than fundamentally interesting to you unless it represents true calling. The road that you are on is no simple path, and refers back to outer performance as well as to inner realizations you have only just begun to fathom. Significant others help to light your way forward, but they cannot make the journey with you. What you need must be uniquely yours; no one can guide you. You must seek and eventually find your own way home.
As the month begins, you are working within the framework of outer responsibility while acknowledging the powerful changes taking place within you that operate at an entirely different level. Your presence in the world is remarkable right now and yet only tells part of the story, since you are in the midst of a massive realignment in the way you think about your life and where you are heading, and this affects everything that you say and do, although from the standpoint of a largely unconscious level of your being. Your communication with others around you, either spoken or written, is one area of your life that is undergoing the fires of intense transformational activity, as your self-expression partakes of a more mystical point of view.
There is also a powerful connection right now between your own internal development and significant partners. You benefit from having other philosophies and viewpoints that either match or contrast with your own, although the benefit might have the result of defining what you stand for by revealing what you do not. You are coming into yourself in a new way during the course of this pivotal monthly cycle, and allies can of course be extremely useful as you sort out what it is that you do completely believe to be true and to be worth fighting for.
Both Pluto and Uranus are powerfully placed in the sky right now, and in addition to getting clearer regarding your belief system and how you might be able to show it, there could be fluctuations for you in the way of everyday activities and health regimens. You are feeling the impact of a series of epiphanies concerning life direction that are subtle but ultimately inform your viewpoint better than the stultified requirements of consensus thinking that has become largely outmoded for you.
Detailed Monthly Forecast
With the Last Quarter Moon of Saturday, September 8th, your process of increasing awareness might change course rather drastically. You are engaged in rethinking virtually everything in your life right now as you sort through recent experiences in search of greater understanding of what was really going there, and attempt a better means of actualizing your beliefs going forward. Old wounds that have come to the surface during the past few weeks could also provide fresh insights of how you operate both on the surface and at much deeper levels of your psyche, while your interaction with significant relationships also comes under your scrutiny.
The New Moon of the following weekend, taking place on Saturday, September 15th, provides fresh energy for your purpose and the chance to vision a new set of possibilities for yourself. You are feeling positive at this time, and engaged in discovering a new way forward that takes into account the realizations and reorientations of the previous cycle. This is still a difficult time, a crossroads where you might have to choose a particular direction, at some cost, since you cannot be everywhere at once and you must act on priorities. You might be more inclined to include notions of Spirit acting itself out in your life and perhaps reexamine the way that you tend to use thinking to solve particular problems that might better be left to your emotions.
With the First Quarter Moon of Saturday, September 22nd, you are likely to hit a few snags in your ongoing process of transformation. You could be more aware of difficulties than solutions at this time, as you come down off of the high inspired by the recent New Moon. Your inner world is a powerful factor now as well, and this could potentially lead to confusion as you confront the contrast between inner and outer worlds. Your dreams are unusually rich at this juncture and you benefit by taking them as seriously as you can and perhaps even by writing them down. You can also benefit just by spending time in a contemplative mode, journaling.
The Full Moon of Saturday, September 29th, brings up more of the same conundrums of reconciling outer necessity over inner knowing, or the reverse. You are perfectly poised now to make compromise between these seemingly antithetical elements, a graceful amalgam that reaches for a balance point taking full account of both worlds. This is beneficial since both are crucial in resolving your grasp on your life as a spirit within the material world.
With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.
Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.
All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!
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