Posted on August 1, 2012 in Scorpio
By Henry Seltzer for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes
You are forging the links to a new-found knowledge of yourself and others, Scorpio, but it does not come easy. Old habits are difficult to break, even in the realm of ideas. You are in a process these days of going back and forth over your vocational efforts you as you attempt to solve the riddle of how your work in the world contributes to your deeper understanding and benefits society at large. Revelations concerning aspects of your daily practice continue to emerge, and ultimately impinge on how you see the unfolding of your life mission. At issue is your ability to communicate your most profound inner reality to others around you, although your deep exploration ultimately leads you to uncovering your own truth, and your own unique path, independent of other voices.
As the month begins, you are engaged in depth researches of one kind or another. Since Mercury is retrograding through an important region of your chart, namely your sector of career and professional life, you are in a meditative rather than an action-oriented space regarding this important area. You might even be considering how the actions that you take in general, out in the world, affect you in your most private musings, and as you make important strides on figuring out who, at base level, you really are.
Then, with important planets in the water houses of your chart, you are more involved even than usual with your inner world. This is the other side of the coin from being out in the world, also important right now, although as previously mentioned, you are questioning these types of outer activities and seeing them a bit differently than you have in the past. Outer and inner reflect each other, and depend upon each other. The inner might be most important, being less accessible and more profound. Everything that happens under the surface of your conscious awareness has its impact on and in fact underlies your real-world presence.
Uranus and Pluto are triggered as their square continues active and even growing stronger over this the last month of summer, heading into a somewhat chaotic and exciting fall. This affects you in ways that run parallel to the other factors that are streaming through you, and that symbolize inner exploration. Your daily activities are subject to unusually sharp and sudden epiphanies, which reverberate back to the way that you communicate with others around you and how much of yourself you are able to reveal as you do. Of course there are also limits to how much you need to hold back for yourself alone, and yet sharing can be very healing also. You are in an idealized position regarding your own creativity, sensing now and in the course of this month's unfolding process of greater awareness how much this, too, depends on inner rather than strictly outer factors.
Detailed Monthly Forecast
The Full Moon taking place on the evening of Wednesday, August 1st, brings all these varied agendas into greater focus, as you reach for a balance of public and private considerations. This is a powerful juncture, and you have every reason to be confused as well as elated, as you take a deeper step forward into your own depths and, with another part of your brain entirely, simultaneously attempt to deal with real-world issues and concerns. There is a trick to this: even though you are increasingly aware of how little you actually know and how fundamental are the unseen depths within you that in some sense are responsible for all your surface activity, when you act, as you must, in response to what is happening in front of you, you suspend your disbelief in mundane reality at least for the time it takes to respond. When you continue to keep a healthy distrust that at any one point you know the answers, instead preferring to suspend judgment, you make the best of both worlds.
This is a true paradox and you benefit by learning to live with it. This is especially true over the first two weeks of this current month as Mercury stations in your Midheaven in close aspect to nebulous Neptune in your creativity and action sector. This period of time is highlighted by the Last Quarter Moon of Thursday, August 9th, just one day after Mercury's station when it is moving slowly and therefore more powerfully. This lunar phase also signals a time of reassessment when you will be mulling over the events that have led up to this climactic moment.
With the New Moon of Friday, August 17th, there is fresh energy for your purpose, and renewed optimism as well for the process that you are in the midst of currently. You are also feeling a greater degree of commitment for the inner work, along with a strong sense of limitations on direct action. An impulse toward despair is not to be taken too seriously; this too will pass.
The First Quarter Moon of Friday, August 24th, brings you once again to the crux of the matter as you are tested by a series of potentially tense and also confusing engagements that are superficially with others outside of yourself but which more likely refer back to conflicts within you. This entire monthly cycle is extremely profound, transformative and ultimately useful to you, despite its difficulties and its lack of clarity. Just when the water is murkiest might turn out to be its moment most productive of insight, long-term.
With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.
Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.
All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!
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