Sagittarius Horoscope for January 2025

Sagittarius Horoscope for January 2025

Posted on in Sagittarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a month of recovering from indecision and entering into new psychological territory, Sagittarius. January is pretty wild for everyone, with Mars retrograde opposite the transformational intensity of Pluto, and for you this lands in your sector of communication, curiosity, and learning. All this month you are testing the waters of new ideas and conceptions of who you really are, along with the resources that you will need to accomplish your goals – including financial ones. Relationship is additionally up for you, along with partnership agreements and a deep sense of your own creative self-expression that extends to working out what can be characterized as your own unique internal moral compass. The First Quarter Moon of the 6th is a potent lunation, with further food for thought as you navigate potential conflicts. Then, mid-month, the Cancer Full Moon of the 13th shows you previously hidden factors of self and other, and their transcendent cosmic consequences. You may experience a new-found determination to press ahead with projects of your own design, based only on your unique principles and values that derive from nowhere else. Then, too, the Moon’s Last Quarter on the 21st represents another life changing juncture when conscious thoughts and unconscious attitudes and feelings both clash and amalgamate, as you can allow it.

The following was written by our guest columnist, Kimberly Peta Dewhirst. You can find her at

The New Year could offer a reset around your role, earnings, ways of making a living or contributing. The January month begins in the days immediately following the Capricorn New Moon from December 30th, which landed in your money and resources sector, encouraging renewal in this regard over the next thirty days of the Capricorn lunation cycle, so covering the first four weeks of the current month. You could make progress transforming the position you’re in financially – adding value in a myriad of ways. This could potentially prompt you to affirm what works for you, seeing you into the start of the new year building stability, greater self-worth, purpose and even a more resolute sense of place.

With Saturn, your planet of earned income and personal security transiting your fourth sector of home and family, there could be an emphasis on the value you place on your heritage, traditions and the past, domestic expenditures or a cost associated with parenting. Venus enters Pisces and this same sector of security on the 2nd, which could see you devoted to life within your familial fold, along with administrative tasks associated with the upkeep of day-to-day matters under your roof.

On the 11th, the karmic North Node follows Venus into Pisces, bringing considerable emphasis to the base of your horoscope and the emotional roots of your world, since Venus, Saturn and Neptune are there in situ. You might be inclined to spend on improvements to your household, or find yourself invested, with certain responsibilities as you nurture and settle. As Capricorn Season puts the focus on your income and assets, plus your other resources and your values in general, you can allow these themes to complement each other – ascertain for yourself deep inside what’s rewarding and valuable. This feeds you as well as feeding others, providing maturity, grounded among family members. Ideally, you’ll find an inner confidence that compliments the way things operate in your surroundings.

On the 6th, the Moon reaches its First Quarter phase in Aries or your fifth sector of creative output. Mars in retrograde simultaneously heads back into the last degree of Cancer, while Mercury in your own sign and first house of self, identity and autonomy squares Neptune, creating a certain amount of idealism or illusory thinking in your mental outlook. Broaching tender topics and expressing what you think – perhaps about children, pregnancy, celebrations, artistic projects, hobbies or your own sexuality and happiness – might not be straightforward. Inner wounding that has been long hidden away might come up for exploration and healing. There could be ideas that aren’t easily conveyed, received or taken on board. There may be a motivation stirring that could lead you to revisit intimacy issues, trust, or what’s shared with other people for mutual gain. It might be useful to remember what was touched on last fall of 2024, with a potential repeat of themes. There might also be intense passion stirring, heightening your own vulnerabilities and dependencies.

The Cancer Full Moon on the 13th sits closely aligned with Mars, and experiences harmony with both Neptune and Uranus. These outer planet connections bring other dimensions in. You might want to record your dreams. Venus at the base of your chart, signifying domestic matters squares Jupiter in your house of partnership in this Full Moon, connecting these two important areas of life. Relationship dynamics may impact the way you’re managing your inner world, parenting duties or your role as caretaker. It may benefit you to stay grounded, appreciating that there’s growth underway thanks to important unions. The Sun and Moon also make a T-square to Eris, feminine warrior energy in support of soul intention, in your fifth sector of self-expression and creative projects, so that you might be fired up to follow your own inner light in these areas to greater authenticity.

The Last Quarter Moon of the 21st, with the Moon in Scorpio, corresponding to your sector of unconscious process is a very strong lunation, bringing the transformational power of Pluto to bear in close aspect to the Sun and Moon. The hidden places deep within your psyche might remind you of your own deepest principles and values that belong to you and to no one else, and that can effectively steer your reactions in a procedure beyond mere logic, as long, that is, as you can simply trust intuition and give up on knowing the answers as a matter of reasoning them out.

By the 25th, pacts and enduring contracts could seem easier, with a Venus-Mars alignment creating space for vows and commitments to progress. There may be important surface plans underway that partake of your inner purpose and that can steer you home.

On Sunday the 19th, the Sun enters Aquarius, or your communications sector, so that curiosity and learning become a more overt part of what you are up to in the course of your evolutionary development. When Mercury follows, entering Aquarius on the 27th and conjuncting Pluto there, this completes a circuit for you of attempting to understand your deepest truth and articulating it to important others.

The Aquarius New Moon arrives on the 29th, which colors your February as it impacts the thirty days that follow. Pluto – still in close conjunction with Mercury – plays a prominent role in these transits, which also involve Sun and Moon in a grand trine with Jupiter, your ruler, in Gemini or your relationship sector, and the new KBO planet Makemake in the same degree of Libra, corresponding to your social sector. You could find that in addition to witnessing significant problems in the society that surrounds you, that you literally must do something about it. This could involve like-minded partners. You are likely to be extra aware of close partnerships along with relations to siblings and to bringing hidden material out into the open. A fresh start in your third house of communications could also pose potential interest in neighbors, depth around folk in your local area, sensitivity to language used, or perhaps a probing signature involving writing projects.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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