Sagittarius Horoscope for October 2023

Sagittarius Horoscope for October 2023

Posted on in Sagittarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a month with an active orientation, Sagittarius, after weeks of introspection and questioning certain aspects of your work patterns. The good news is that Mercury is finally out of its retrograde shadow, so that your thought process is moving relatively straight ahead. You are trying out new career ideas as the month begins, especially with regard to a strong inventive spark of individual accomplishment that is also present for you in the current astrology. When Mars, ruler of your fifth solar sector of creative self-expression, enters Scorpio on the 13th, in your sector of unconscious process and inner work, followed by the New Moon and Solar Eclipse the next day in your social sector, there occurs a powerful synergy between inner and outer, so that considered action must take pace in the context of your deepest principles and values. Inner wounding that at times slows down your best efforts, perhaps even to the point of self-sabotage, might well come up for applying more complete and loving attention to it, thereby beginning an important heling process that allows your creativity to flourish. The time has come to not only reflect upon these things but to act.

The following was written by our guest columnist Alea Balzer. You can write her at

October comes to you mid-way through the Virgo lunation cycle that was initiated in your career sector on September 14th. With two weeks still to go, there remain developments in your outer world commitments that reflect shifting tides of belief and worldview that are also indicated by the previous Virgo lunation. The erratic influence of Uranus in your sphere of health and daily work environment is also stamped onto this cycle, which may have you juggling various home and work obligations with little time to unwind. There could be surprises or unexpected ideas that break through to you regarding day-to-day habits or health regimens, and that could lead you to some interesting new conclusions.

Topics emerging at the Aries Full Moon from the final days of September may also be of influence as the lunar cycle evolves in the first half of October, possibly raising tensions between a sense of calling related to your self-expression and the practical realities of your professional roles. With all inner planets direct and Mercury finally done with its retrograde shadow period in Virgo, rethinking and revisioning may this month give way to forward momentum. However, With prominent Pluto, strongly placed Uranus, and two eclipses however, you might not always be independently steering the ship.

From October 1st to the 3rd, the month also begins under the influence of Mercury's opposition to Neptune in Pisces, which may arrive with a lack of clarity or disillusionment around domestic and career-related topics. Your focus will likely shift by the 4th and Mercury’s entry into the Libra sign. In the meantime, imagination combatting disassociation is the best remedy; creative brainstorming will help you identify a vision that the Virgo-themed lunation cycle that is closing can ground in a practical process. With Pisces ruling your foundational sector, the Neptunian inspiration will nourish your roots and may also prove rewarding in other ways. Mercury and Neptune both aspect Pluto in Capricorn, pointing to the significance of your financial realities, skill set, and values that co-mingle with professional considerations and big dreams emerging from your sphere of home and family.

Mars' conjunction with the South Lunar Node in Libra as it applies to a square with Pluto is also notable at the beginning of the month, pointing to building intensity in your sphere of community and long-term goals. This transit may point to a social identity, sense of independence, or life ambition receding as topics in your Pisces sphere of home and family evolve. Themes of harmony versus integrity could also arise during Mars' square to Pluto between the 5th and the 9th, illuminating tensions between personal and collective values. You may be navigating power dynamics within social connections, including your colleagues, or putting significant energy into community work or a collaborative project.

The influence of Pluto is amplified in this early part of the month as it slows to station direct on the 10th. The planet of metamorphosis may have you contending with material realities or communication style, perhaps confronting conditioning related to your self-esteem, skill set, or what true wealth means for you.

On the 7th, Venus moves into new ground for the first time since late July immediately opposing Saturn in Pisces before entering Virgo and your career sector the following day. Active from the 7th to the 11th, Venus' opposition to Saturn could bring up vocational topics and also relate to maturation or duty within domestic settings. On the other hand, you could be considering restructuring your family life to pursue a vocation you believe in. This shift may also speak to an overhaul of your outward presentation or the values you publicly represent that is rooted in a foundational sense of your identity and origins. A trine between Venus and Jupiter, your planetary ruler, the following week indicates that whatever challenges you face at this time serve an emerging sense of purpose in your daily life and routines.

Mars enters its home sign of Scorpio on the 11th, representing your sector of unconscious process and inner work, and offering you inner courage to explore the more secret or subtle parts of your psyche. Behind-the-scenes work and your nighttime dreams will also be energized at this time. Mars' trine to Saturn in your home sphere offers the idea that time alone and in connection with your spiritual nature will give you greater stamina and enthusiasm for family or home projects.

The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra lands on October 14th and opens a six-month cycle in your Libra sector of societal contribution, group affiliation, and future plans that may be characterized by a period of involvement in community participation and long-term objectives as you locate your equilibrium on matters of individual and collective interest. This period is interwoven with the evolution in your Aries sphere of creative self-expression, children, and projects springing from your own unique ideas. This process may have you less concerned with how others see you as you prioritize your instincts and impulses over harmony, social capital, or virtues prescribed by your peers. Both eclipses this month are ruled by Venus in Virgo, residing in your career sector. This suggests that the beginnings and endings being seeded are tied to your values, relationships, and aesthetics as they relate to your public image and work. Prioritizing authenticity will support realignment toward kinship and collaborations of mutual interest centered on fun, camaraderie, and inspiration.

Mercury conjoins the Sun in Libra on the 19th. Both form a square to Pluto from the 18th to the 21st which may align with news, insight, or illuminating conversations about community participation and the financial topics that have come to a head this month. As this transit also follows the recent Mercury Retrograde cycle from last month, there may be emerging clarity or confidence about what you wish to share with the world. Pluto's emphasis illuminates your unconscious mechanisms, pointing to a broader transformation around money, values, and communication.

Your interior world becomes a significant point of focus from the 21st, when Mercury ingresses Scorpio, and is closely followed by the Sun on the 23rd. Significant mental power and energy are at your disposal for self-analysis and depth work; just remember the importance of rest and solitude for integration.

The Taurus Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 28th takes place in your sector of health, service, and daily schedule. This is the culmination of eclipses across your Taurus-Scorpio axis, which also relates to your sphere of the subconscious. These areas of your chart are places between worlds, where the last eclipse cycle may have been marked by transience in your daily work and habits, perhaps accompanied by a feeling of instability or confusion about what you have been building towards. As this period comes to an end, you might reflect on how you have been changed through encounters with setbacks, sacrifice, and uncertainty since late 2021. Perhaps you have deepened your self-understanding or spiritual practice, been treading a path of healing, or are finding new ways to nurture your mental and physical well-being.

Mercury's conjunction with Mars in Scorpio, active from the 27th until the 30th, intensifies this lunation. Both planets form an opposition to Jupiter in Taurus, which could reference a focus on your interior process, or perhaps force you to consider unintegrated aspects of yourself. As you grapple with bold and ambitious aspects of yourself and seek acclaim or public expression, you could need to be aware also of what is going on beneath the more visible surface. You may feel an emerging sense of volition and inspiration within your day-to-day rhythms, possibly harnessing the power of Jupiter and Uranus for exciting and innovative growth in this area.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
From $14.95

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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