Sagittarius Horoscope for June 2021

Sagittarius Horoscope for June 2021

Posted on in Sagittarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another quite fascinating month for you, Sagittarius, when you will be plumbing your depths for clues to relationship connection, and looking more closely into all of your behaviors including your outer world versus your private world dynamics. You are reexamining the impact of relationship on your life, as well as your patterns is this important area, because Mercury is retrograding through the partnership sector of your solar chart all month long, when you take the retrograde shadow into account. You are in a very introspective mode these days, mulling over your successes and your failures, the latter of which can sometimes give you the more telling information for looking ahead. While you are so inner as to be almost hermit-like, outer world presence is up for review and questioning as well. The idea of what you would like to see manifesting in your life is also intimately tied up with concepts of right-action and right-relationship now as well, so that whatever moves you plan for must have a huge element of natural law and moral compass in order for you to find them satisfying.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The New Moon in Taurus three weeks ago may have motivated you to focus more attentively on your health and your habits. You may already have started implementing new habits that are helping you feel stronger and more productive. There are a lot of changes occurring as the month of June begins after a powerful Lunar Eclipse in the sign of Sagittarius occurred on the 26th of May which may help you purge or release anything that no longer serves you. 

Then, too, Mercury is retrograding through your relationship sector all month long has you introspectively arriving new understandings regarding your partnership dynamic and its impact on your life. Mercury finally escapes its retrograde shadow by the first full week of July.

Negotiations are highlighted at the beginning of the month with the Sun in Gemini coming into a supportive aspect with Saturn in Aquarius which may highlight an ability to make practical progress with others. Venus enters the sign of Cancer on June 2nd, coming into a nice flowing trine with Jupiter in Pisces, reflecting the many beautiful opportunities currently arising in your business or intimate partnerships. This delicate harmony could be threatened however with Mars in Cancer opposing Pluto in Capricorn on the 4th and 5th. Misunderstandings are possible especially if you feel like you are not being heard or appreciated. If you feel like you might be overthinking something, you probably are. Clarity may be lacking at this time and it may be important to remind yourself that others may not consciously be trying to dismiss you. Your desire to be taken seriously is important but the risk of getting caught up in paranoid thinking may derail the progress you are making in your interpersonal relationships. 

On June 10th, the Solar Eclipse in Gemini takes place in the part of your chart that relates to partnerships. Mercury continues retrograde and is conjunct the Sun. You may be in the midst of far-reaching changes in connection with your relationships as an opportunity to team up or get support from others is emerging. Mercury Retrograde may bring a longer than anticipated negotiation process but things could start to make sense around the 10th. There may be new doors opening that requires you to let go of an old way of seeing yourself, an attitude or a role that has outlived its purpose. The Sun in Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces on the 13th could add an element of confusion to the mix and you may have to wait until Mercury turns direct on June 22nd before you can understand what your new alliance entails. Give yourself time to reflect and integrate what is shifting in your life before jumping to conclusions too swiftly.

Saturn in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus all month long, exact for a second time on June 14th. The first of these exact squares occurred on February 17th and the final one will occur on December 24th. This ongoing aspect is therefore active to some degree all year, highlighting the current pressure you may feel to organize and structure your projects while tying up the many loose ends that threaten to get out of control. You could feel a certain level of pressure to attend to your responsibilities while also needing to change your routine and do something that stimulates your curiosity. You may be bored with the status quo and in need of a new challenge or it could be that you are feeling the intense pressure of attending to everything you have already set in motion. You may not be able to completely ignore your responsibilities and the pressure associated with being so ambitious but a little organization will go a long way.

Jupiter in Pisces stations retrograde on the 20th in your home sector which may put a damper on a domestic scenario or find you revising the viability of a project related to your home. Jupiter moving retrograde until the month of October may find you re-assessing your priorities on the home front. You may have to plan more carefully before launching yourself into massive renovation projects or relocating somewhere else as new elements come into the picture.

The Sun enters the sign of Cancer late evening of the 20th, which signals the longest day and the shortest night of the year and the beginning of Summer in the Northern Hemisphere. Venus in Cancer trines Neptune in Pisces on the same day which could bring a sweet and dreamy influence to your intimate partnership. It could feel like something magical is afoot and it could be a very creative or romantic time in the month. You may also long to connect more deeply with someone and the next month could help you clarify what you are getting or not getting from your partnerships. Mercury stations direct in Gemini on the 22nd changing the energy and perhaps allowing you further progress and increased dialogues that could help you understand what others require from you.

On the 24th of June, the Capricorn Full Moon culminates in the part of your chart that relates to your finances and more extensively your sense of self-worth. It may be time to let go of any self-defeating attitude, especially when it comes to knowing if you are good enough and if people recognize your unique contributions. The Full Moon could shine brightly on your accomplishments and you may be able to harvest the fruits of your labor. It may be a good reminder that no one else is as well equipped as you are to do what you do.

Venus enters Leo on the 27th thus joining Mars already transiting in your vision sector. You may have opportunities in the coming weeks to teach, travel or simply expand your understanding on philosophies or a worldview that you are passionate about.

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