Sagittarius Horoscope for August 2020

Sagittarius Horoscope for August 2020

Posted on in Sagittarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another dramatic month for you, Sagittarius, as you make further in-roads in your evolving sense of your own identity. You are veritably bursting with ideas for your self-defined mission of service to the larger collective, and for pursuing greater alignment between your acts of creative self-expression and your deepest principles. All this year you have been coming to a better awareness of where you actually stand in your heart of hearts, and this will continue into the next. Your partnerships with others, and your career and professional activities, are based in part on this ongoing challenge, and your internal dialog regarding these deeper investigations picks up additional momentum this month. The Leo New Moon of August 18th is a quite significant juncture for you. You are feeling the impulse to forge ahead with your changes – and with the shifts in your worldview that must accompany them – as you create a newer and more authentic sense of yourself from the raw materials of prior experience.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The month of August begins ten days or so after the second Cancer New Moon of the summer, placed in your eighth sector of relationship connection and intimacy, and opposite Saturn in Capricorn, creating an emphasis on negotiations. Defining the terms of a contract or an agreement will continue to be a work on progress as this month gets underway. Yet, relying on others is not your forte. You’ve worked hard to build a life that allows you to come and go as you please. In recent years you may, however, have started to gain an appreciation for the support of others; you have gained much perspective in connection with what your close allies can do for you. Financial independence is a major area of your life where you like to have the control, although with these recent understandings you’ve come to understand that there is much to gain from teaming up. With the retrogrades of both Venus and Mercury, the last two months have brought major logistical issues to the surface and perhaps some difficult decisions. You have had to wrestle with unforeseen, and perhaps stressful circumstances. You might have wondered if collaborating was worth it, and probably felt let down. Since you are so closely tied up with others and must respect your end of the bargain you’ve kept going. Even though you might still be overwhelmed with your workload, you can now clearly see that having allies has its advantages. The benefits that come from your collaborations definitely outweigh the headaches. Once you get your priorities clarified it should start to feel easier to ask for what you need.

The Full Moon in Aquarius on August 3rd shines her light on your learning curve towards higher mind objectives such as teaching and learning, and as well, your immediate environment, including perhaps some logistical and organizational projects that could be taking off in different directions. In this timing, also, you may have a slightly foggy and idealized vision of how to pay for everything. You also might need to be prepared for surprises, such as unexpected health or relationship issues, or something that might end up costing more than you anticipated.

Mars in Aries squares your ruler, Jupiter, in Capricorn at this time also, indicating impulsive or bold actions. There is a lot of energy to begin new projects during the first week of August but you want to make sure you direct your focus on the essential without scattering your resources. Mercury enters Leo the next day offering fresh perspectives and broadening your vision regarding what is possible for the remainder of the year.

Venus enters Cancer on the 7th indicating romantic developments and also helping to sweeten any deals that you are currently working on. Your negotiations and interactions within partnerships will get a positive boost from Venus while she transits there until September.

The Last Quarter Moon in Taurus on the 11th emphasizes the need to ground yourself and take care of your body. The recent summer indulgences will need to be balanced with a proper diet and movement. It’s time to pay attention to your health. Uranus stations retrograde in Taurus mid-month perhaps highlighting accumulated nervous tension. There are quite a lot of planets transiting in Fire signs now, which offers energy and momentum for you Sagittarius folks. It's important however to balance exertions with equal periods of rest. Unplugging entirely from the constant flow of information might be surprisingly regenerative right now.

On August 17th, Mercury unites with the Sun in Leo for what is called a superior conjunction. While Mercury merges with the Solar light these two planets will also trine Mars in Aries offering much clarity and power. For you, Sagittarius, these aspects illuminate your passions and visions, carrying a powerful incentive for aiming for the stars.

The Leo New Moon the next day, on the 18th, renews herself on this momentum, and asks that you trust your instincts and stretch for the more elevated meaning. Keep the faith. The truth is that you can still reach some of your major goals this year. A trip or an educational project could turn out to be way more fun than anticipated.

Mercury enters Virgo on the 19th and the Sun follows suit on the 22nd beginning Virgo season. The Sun transiting in Virgo for the next thirty days will gradually emphasize your career and your responsibilities at work. Mars in conjunction with the new planet Eris also squares Saturn for these final two weeks of the month, exact on the 24th. This greatly emphasizes your creative self-expression and calls you to reach for your innermost truth as you act, independent of what anyone else might think about it. This New Moon could also highlight a hobby, although it may end up costing you more than you thought. Financial matters could weigh heavily on your mind towards the end of the month, as Mars gets closer to perfection with limiting Saturn. You could be forced to make decisions, or may have to lose some in order to make some. Towards the 30th you could be presented with options that seem unclear. Make sure to ask for clarifications or a second opinion if you are uncertain.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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