Sagittarius Horoscope for December 2019

Sagittarius Horoscope for December 2019

Posted on in Sagittarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a month of celebrating your Self, Sagittarius, in this your birthday time of the year. In this December lunation cycle, which began in late November, you are likely to experience a surge of self-confidence, although seasoned with a noticeable trace of angst, combined with powerful intuitional information concerning your life path. You do well to pay the closet possible attention to whatever comes through to you in this magical timing, and will see your ideas and concepts evolve throughout the month, especially with the Gemini Full Moon of late December 11th. There are changes taking place deep within you, including how you relate to your values and your resources, or your finances. Also, in the midst of optimistic self-assessments, self-doubt could equally arise. This could stem from the recall of old wounding, hidden away within you, due to undigested past trauma, good to recognize. Try to not let it throw you. It may be helpful to remember that the truth of your situation lies somewhere in between.

The following was written by our new resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

Sagittarius, this is your time of the year when the Sun is warming all your vitals, and you feel ready to take on a new cycle of growth. A New Moon in your sign took place at the end of November signaling a period of integration in regard to all the new opportunities, and life-changing realizations that took place in 2019. Jupiter, your ruling planet, transiting in Sagittarius for all of 2019, has given you more cake than you can eat. Projects and new opportunities have kept you very busy, and it seems you hardly had time to catch your breath before December is back around already. You can thank your ruler Jupiter for all the opportunities for real growth that took place, your vision expanding on fresh horizons giving you a glimpse of new land to map out and explore. Jupiter leaves your sign on December 2nd and enters the sign of Capricorn joining Venus and big players Saturn and Pluto for a formidable year-end party. Jupiter in Capricorn until December 2020 is your cue to take your current scene to the next level, integrate tangible steps to organize and structure yourself towards the next leg of your journey, while getting rid of anything superfluous that makes you waste your time.

On December 9th, communication planet Mercury enters Sagittarius and will increase the tempo within your interactions and movements. This is a busy time of the year, and you could find yourself having many idea-generating conversations that will help you tie up the loose ends before 2020 comes around.

Late on December 11th, a Full Moon in Gemini brings attention to the many compromises that have to be made with others, while also illuminating the important roles other people are playing in your life. Some space has to be made for others as ‘’no man/woman is an island’’ and we do need connections in our life if we are to grow and evolve beyond our comfort zone. There could be some idealization around relationships that must be worked through. The Full Moon in Gemini will illuminate what the current landscape looks like in regard to what other people are willing to offer you (or not) right now.

On December 15, your ruler Jupiter, in Capricorn, trines Uranus in Taurus bringing exciting opportunities to try something new. It could also simply be that you are feeling a desire to shake things up or take a gamble on something. You could have less patience for things that feel stagnant and it's a good idea to allow yourself plenty of space for experimentation mid-month.

The Sun transiting in Sagittarius for the first part of December should help you get some speed on the projects in your life that have felt blocked or not totally fluid. It’s a good time of the year to check in with yourself and make sure that your priorities are still aligned with your goals. It’s also the perfect time to make long-term projections, work your budgets, and put your things in order before 2020 arrives.

Venus enters Aquarius on December 20th and for you, Venus’s transit should bring ease and pleasure within your relationships and a desire for beauty and harmony. It’s the perfect Venus for the holiday season, and you should have plenty of opportunities to socialize at gatherings and parties.

The Sun enters Capricorn on December 21st introducing the beginning of winter in the Northern Hemisphere. Capricorn season will be busy this year with so many planets already in this sign prompting us to take on more work, more responsibilities, or pushing our boundaries. There could also be an emphasis on taking a sober or conservative approach to tackle recurring problems.

Late on December 25th, a Solar Eclipse in Capricorn brings a major reset and momentum for change, especially in the part of your chart where Capricorn is found. Even if you are Sagittarius rising, this reset will take place in your 2nd house of finances and it's your cue to get clear about money and where it's going. Perhaps there is a need to manage your finances better, or pay attention to your spending habits more closely. Your ruler Jupiter conjuncts the Sun in Capricorn on the 27, and as the year draws to an end, you should feel decisive and ready to assume your responsibilities fully and with renewed enthusiasm.

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