Sagittarius Horoscope for November 2017

Sagittarius Horoscope for November 2017

Posted on in Sagittarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

An interesting November awaits you, Sagittarius, with an intensity of inner realizations and over-all adherence to the norm, although with also exciting departures from it. You are two-sided this month, both in terms of reality testing and also for the variety and strangeness of your self-expression, which operates in fits and starts, sometimes with and sometimes against the grain of the surrounding social milieu. The New Moon from the latter weeks of the previous month triggered new plans and a determination to take your experience to the limit, in the direction that seems most deeply connected with inner longings, an important theme for you right now. By the 18th you are living out a mystical side of yourself, which feels exhilarating although at times perhaps a bit confusing and destabilizing. You benefit from applying yourself to the highest, and from learning to trust the cosmos that directs you, and allows you to fly above your doubts and confusion.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Gainsburg of Soulsign Astrology . He examines each planet's Sky Factors — such as speed, Earth proximity and brightness, stemming from well before the origins of Western civilization — in addition to chart factors of sign, house, and aspects.

What happens when you throw both your strong beliefs and society's need for you to play by its rules into a jar, close the lid and shake until your wrist aches? Welcome to November, Sag! Some spectacular sky events are in your sky this month. Mercury in your sign will separate from the Sun on the 16th and shortly thereafter attain his maximum brightness as an Evening Star (appearing in our western skies after the Sun sets). Whenever Mercury reaches this point in its cycle with the Sun, there is something magical or special or shining that is yours to share with the world. What might that be? Your intellectual prowess would become clear for all to see. Are you ready for that, or do you prefer to stay out of the limelight? Either way, you are in for a magical month that will remain long in your memory as a watershed for your own sense of yourself as an evolving being.

At the same time, Saturn the Lord of Limitations, is taking his laborious time to complete his cycle with the Sun. Each evening he appears dimmer and descends lower in the sky. One of the absolute givens about living on Earth at this time is none of us can escape at least some of the rules of the society in which we live. It doesn't much matter how much you don't agree with them, unless you're willing to make a seriously huge sacrifice, you won't be escaping the ways that you are expected to abide by the laws of your neighborhood, county, state or province, country, not to mention religion or spiritual belief. That's a LOT of subtle energetic pressure on you to conform.

With these two powerful forces at play this month, what will you aim at? This combination of Mercury highest and brightest and Saturn laying down the law — and not sticking around to discuss it — seems to want to force you into a choice. Which one will you emphasize, follow and champion, progress or holding back? This is one of the key stories that will play out in the heavens for all of us with you leading the way.

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