Pisces Horoscope for March 2025

Pisces Horoscope for March 2025

Posted on in Pisces |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another key month for you, Pisces, initiated by the recent New Moon in your sign from the final days of February. This New Moon signaled that a process of self-study is underway for you, culminating in an affirmation of your own evolving sense of identity. Venus, ruler of your sector of depth, intimacy, and personal evolution, turns to retrograde motion on the 1st, in Aries or your sector of values and resources. This area is subject to an introspective process of review and re-thinking during this interesting and complicated monthly cycle. The lunar eclipse and Full Moon of late evening March 13th or early morning of the 14th takes place in your opposite sign of Virgo and brings important partnerships into the picture of what is going on for you as you navigate the highlighted presence of restrictive Saturn in your sign. Mercury retrogrades in Aries 24 hours later, and you will be re-examining your values, income, perhaps your way of making money, as the month continues to unfold. You are also, more than usual, open to your inner world of unconscious process and inner work. It is possible that inner wounding will come up in some way, the residue of undigested early childhood trauma, and, if so, a good step to take begins with acceptance. You also could find that intuition provides a great deal of information for you. This cycle presents an important shift for you, especially when Neptune, your ruler, enters the Aries sign on the 30th, just after the second eclipse of the month takes place in this same sector on the 29th. It is quite a month of changes, so that it helps to be prepared.

The following was written by our guest columnist, Kimberly Peta Dewhirst. You can find her at https://www.starsignstyle.com/

As we enter March, we find ourselves in the window of the Pisces New Moon from February 27th. This sets you in the early days of a thirty-day cycle of new awareness centered around you personally, Pisces. In the four weeks that follow, it could benefit you to highlight your identity, character, and wishes for your personal life, with considerations of these new beginnings. You do well to consider what you want and the consistent steps it takes achieve your dreams and intentions. It could seem all eyes are on you and your special qualities, or how you’ve overcome something and come out incredible!

On March 1st, Venus stations retrograde in Aries, with the Moon close by. You’re led into a process of re-evaluation that has the potential to shift your relationship to earned income, your salary or material world.

Your mindset and shared resources could be important, since this planet governs your communications, close ties, and intimate financial arrangements. You might be prompted to reconsider your approach to speaking about money and your role, or find you’re around among people similar to you. Your inner circle might provide you with a reference point throughout this review exercise.

From the 1st to the 2nd, the Sun in Pisces combines tensely with Jupiter in Gemini in a square aspect. Jupiter is now in Gemini, so answers to its guide Mercury in your sign conjunct Neptune at this time. h, your perceptions or ideas could turn to home and family life, with household plans or domestic tendencies requiring your input or guiding hands. The life you lead in private could seem to rest with you!

Then on the 6th, the First Quarter Gemini Moon prompts you to retreat, into familiar spaces or your body, toward household matters. As the Moon is co-present with Jupiter, sense real growth and progress made under your roof, around parenting, a property, or developing your nurturing tendencies. The Sun in your sign is making a harmonious trine to Mars, now direct in the sign of Cancer. You could find a sense of fun is forthcoming, with good times, your tastes or creative preferences fulfilled. There may be greater clarity around who you love, what you desire or what you’re happy to pay for!

From the 10th to the 12th, Mercury (direct) conjunct Venus (retrograde) in Aries, another timing to pay attention to your earning potential, what you value and care about, and the position you’re in. You might like to relate to those with a shared mindset.

The Full Moon on the 13th and 14th is a total lunar Eclipse in Virgo, and your relationship sector. This is a powerful lunation featuring your close or key partnerships. It helps when you can acknowledge your other half, and be aware of relationships or partnerships that are important to you, recognizing your significant other. However, with the Sun conjunct Saturn – and nicely aspecting Uranus during this Full Moon – you might be aware of personal responsibilities and more attention on you and your part. The way you connect, express yourself, teach or find common ground could be important, too. There will likely be surprises in store.

Mercury stations retrograde in Aries on the 14th and 15th, just 24 hours after the Full Moon, so that now Venus and Mercury are backtracking in your sector of earnings, tangible assets and personal attributes. It may benefit you to reassess household budgets, spending in a social sense, and what you can count on others for.

Aries Season commences on the 20th, with Spring Equinox, a shift that spotlights the way you maintain what’s important to you, what belongs to you, or the tools you have for making money. It may be interesting to look at upkeep, systems and organization of what you have. At this juncture, Venus arrives in an easy sextile aspect to Pluto in Aquarius, just as she did on February 7th (though in direct motion). Then, between the 22nd and 26th, the Sun meets Venus and Mercury in Aries, all in your second house, all finding harmony with Pluto in a sextile.

You may be aware of attention on what’s lucrative or compensates you, your job, security and foundations, and how you navigate close ties when it comes to income and outgoings. You may be aware of inner work, a selfless undertaking or subconscious patterning that’s calling to be resolved, with Pluto touched upon. Find yourself braving your inner psychology where your outgoings are concerned.

On the 27th, Venus dips back into Pisces meeting Neptune (followed by Mercury on the 29th), which could prompt you to revisit your individuality, your sense of self and who you are to those around you.

On the 29th, the Moon joins the Sun for a partial eclipse in Aries, which suggests a new beginning – and yet there is still so much remaining to unfold, due to these retrograde planets in their continuing unwinding. With so many celestial objects straddling late Pisces and early Aries, you can benefit by seeing this as a time to truly know who you are, and find your worth. Just over 24 hours later, Neptune enters your sector of personal effects, money and income, signaling a shift that helps you reimagine what you can make and might build of yourself.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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