Pisces Horoscope for March 2019

Pisces Horoscope for March 2019

Posted on in Pisces |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a month of investigations into your very identity, Pisces, as you continue to pursue your evolutionary intention. You get an enormous burst of energy for this purpose in the timing of the March 6th New Moon in your sign, although you are also in a self-reflective and somewhat introverted mode with the simultaneous beginning of Mercury Retrograde through the latter half of your sign. This lasts throughout the month; considering its shadow period, extending to mid-April. As you mull over your current conception of who and what you really are, you explore facets of your values and your worldview. The Equinox Full Moon of March 20th brings you further insights regarding self and other, including how best to deal with residues of early childhood trauma that could be holding you back. The first and most important step is to acknowledge the wounding that lurks beneath the surface layers of your psyche, and to fully accept yourself, flaws and all, as you visualize new pathways forward.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

The month gets started with Venus in your eleventh house of friends making an electric square with erratic and inventive Uranus in the second house of money and finances (March 1st), indicating a breakthrough moment surrounding your friends or social circles, or the potential development of beneficial new relationships. You may also feel the need to break free from different social contracts this month in order to move or grow in a new direction!

March 6th, the New Moon will land in your home sign of Pisces and conjoin Neptune, just as Mercury is also turning retrograde in Pisces. The month ahead is therefore focused very deeply on a process of individuation and personal growth. With Mercury and Neptune dancing back and forth all month, you are being asked to question and clarify your sense of identity and life-direction, mostly for yourself but inevitably for those you relate to in both the work place and in your private life.

Between March 14th and the 20th, Mars in Taurus in your third house of the mind and communication will make trines to both Saturn and Pluto in your eleventh house of friends, groups, and social circles. There is a very deep level of support available to you right now through groups, friends, or colleagues, but you might be laboring both mentally and emotionally in order to take advantage of it. Get down to your core motivations and be honest with yourself about who you are and what you are hoping to get out of the situation. This will help you know how and where to apply your energy right now.

On March 20th, the Sun will pass through the gateway of the Spring Equinox and immediately conjoin Chiron, the wounded healer, in the sign of Aries in your second house, bringing a moment of healing, wisdom, and transformation related to money and finances. At the same time, the Full Moon in Libra is passing through your eighth house of death and transformation, signaling a moment of karmic equalizing, potentially related to money or finances in your close relationships, as well. With the rulers of the Equinox and Full Moon, Mars and Venus, squaring each other from your twelfth and third houses, you are likely dealing with both the desire for harmony or union with others while also considering the most effective and honest strategy for achieving it, given the resources available to you right now.

Finally, between March 24th and April 2nd, Mercury will conjoin Neptune in Pisces in your first house, Venus will enter Pisces, and Mercury will turn direct, conjuncting Neptune for the third time. If things have been fuzzy this month, expect clarity to slowly return during the next, however you should still use your best judgment and try not to be sidetracked by fantasies or delusions of grandeur. It’s time to start inhabiting and integrating the personal transformations you have been working on this month. The good news here is that with Venus now exalted in your first house for the next several weeks, through mid-April, you can also expect some very dreamy and beautiful visitations from the Goddess of love and good fortune!

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