Pisces Horoscope for July 2019

Pisces Horoscope for July 2019

Posted on in Pisces |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This month continues the intensity for you, Pisces, as a New Moon eclipse on July 2nd takes place in your sector of creative self-expression, giving you an entirely fresh start in how you direct your energies. Also important now is your work in the world, and your prospective plans, friendships, and group affiliations. This summer is a time of extreme transition for you, and you will want to make the most of it. Mercury is retrograde later on, in your sector of service and sense of mission. Therefore, as the month continues to unfold, you are also likely to be questioning your life purpose with regard to your most sincere values. The second eclipse of the month, taking place on July 16th, is another very powerful juncture when your challenge will be to discover by an introspective process whatever it is that you feel most deeply aligned with, what you cannot not do, and proceed to go with that inner vision to the exclusion of all else.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

The month begins astrologically on July 2nd, with a Solar Eclipse in Cancer falling in your fifth house of creativity, children and joy. This eclipse points to the start of a creative birthing process that will slowly emerge in the weeks and months ahead. The emphasis of the water element in your fifth house suggests a creatively fruitful time, which could include anything from the development of creative and artistic projects to the birth of a new child, to the start of a new creative project or career goal. At the same time, you may be focusing more on what brings you joy, or what activities are most important for you outside of work, simply for the sake of having more fun in your life.

Between July 7th and 9th, Mercury will conjoin Mars in your sixth house of work, health, and service, just as Mercury is turning retrograde. Considering the challenging nature of the sixth house, this transit may imply a somewhat arduous period of work, environmental inconveniences, technology meltdowns, or aggravating mental energies that combine to create strained or even conflictual communication dynamics at work or in your relationships. It also wouldn’t be surprising for some sudden or unexpected turn of events to come along that requires you to break a contract or to terminate a relationship due to unresolvable differences. At the same time, the exact same energies might provide you with the impetus to do something in the name of service, perhaps volunteering or working to help someone who has found themselves in a precarious or challenging situation.

Between July 9th and the 16th, the Sun in Cancer will move through oppositions to Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn in your eleventh house of allies, friends, and groups. Then, on July 16th, a Lunar Eclipse will fall in Capricorn in your eleventh house. When taken as a whole, this sequence points to a time of a creative birthing process formed from contraction and transformation. Potentially, some very difficult decisions might need to be made related to your professional future, your long-term dreams and goals, or in relation to social circles, friends, and colleagues. The need for the creative transformation might be obvious, as indicated by the prevailing lunar cycle that began with a Solar Eclipse in your fifth house. Yet the changes and compromise you will have to make, socially and professionally, could present some formidable obstacles, and they should start to present themselves in this timing.

Between July 16th and the 21st, Venus in Cancer in your fifth house will then move through oppositions to Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, echoing the same themes mentioned above. As your challenges continue, your creativity remains in a powerful period of metamorphosis, possibly bringing more art into your life. The upside is that these changes are necessary, and vital for your continued growth. Venus in Cancer’s oppositions here will also provide you with an opportunity to deepen and grow existing relationships, while fortifying new ones by helping them find the right forms and containers to ultimately allow them to thrive.

Finally, July 31st, the New Moon in Leo will land in your sixth house of work, sickness, and service, making a conjunction to Venus in Leo and also squaring Uranus in Taurus in your third house of communication and the mind. The Moon cycle to come is therefore likely to be focused on an exploration of creative and intellectual differences in your relationships or at work. You may be feeling the need to push the envelope, challenge tradition or authority, and seek out greater freedom and independence during this transit. At the same time, be careful of the temptation during this next cycle to do things only to get a reaction or only for the sake of being “different.”

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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