Posted on October 31, 2018 in Pisces
By Henry Seltzer and Adam Elenbaas for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes
This is a significant month for you, Pisces, when not everything is as it seems, and when you will have fall back on the intuitional understanding of your own unique point of view. The retrogrades of Venus, and, as of the current month, of Mercury, are very strong for you, while your co-ruler, Jupiter, is moving into your tenth house of outer world activation. As you continue to deal with issues of evolving self-concept, you are attempting to navigate through what may seem like a hall of mirrors as you find your way to career moves that are actually valid for you now. You are after greater intimacy with important partners in your life, and also, ultimately, with yourself. Your career focus is extraordinary, and yet comes from a foundational place of internal knowing that is not entirely of this world. You are seeking, through it all, a place to stand that you can actually call your own, and are beginning to make your moves strictly from that deep center.
The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School
The month begins with retrograde Venus, your ruler, now in relationship-oriented Libra, corresponding to your eighth house of intimacy and personal evolution, emphasizing these areas, while the Leo Moon briefly opposes Mars, remaining in Aquarius, corresponding to your twelfth house of unconscious process. After rethinking all last summer your connection with the hidden places inside you, you are still engaged in seeing through your changes there, putting the cap on your accumulated wisdom in this area.
Then, on November 7th, the Scorpio New Moon falls in your ninth house of the higher mind and long journeys. After Venus’ recent retrograde in your ninth house, you have been going through a period of spiritual, philosophical, or educational transformation. The lessons you’ve been learning have not been without some challenges, perhaps especially as faith, learning, and beliefs are related to your intimate relationships, but you are now ready to start a new chapter and to move forward with greater clarity and wisdom. You may also be motivated to attempt to better understand your deepest values and how to better align yourself with these and to you act upon them.
Meanwhile, for much of the month, Venus will be retrograde in the sign of Libra, in your eighth house of death and rebirth, opposite Uranus in Aries in the second house of money, resources, and values. The continued retrograde of Venus is now bringing to light a conversation regarding values, resources, and finances, perhaps especially in the context of intimate relationships. On the other hand, the 8th house Venus retrograde can easily bring a very deep level of healing and transformation to all your relationships, in general, although it is not usually without emotional intensity.
Watch especially for what happens to you in your life when Venus turns direct on November 17th. This is a good time to initiate changes around finances or to begin the process of making significant changes in relationships or to agreements or contracts. Watch also for tensions to culminate, especially in your relationships with others regarding financial matters, on November 30th, when Venus will perfect in her opposition to Uranus, creating a powerful moment of breakthrough, liberation from constraints, and deep emotional healing.
On November 8th, your ruling planet, Jupiter, will enter Sagittarius and move into your tenth house of career, where it will stay for the next year. This is an exciting transit that will bring great opportunities for personal growth and professional expansion at once. You may be on the brink of promotion, of starting exciting new projects, or beginning a new job. You may also gain greater visibility or recognition in the year ahead, or you may find that you are hitting personal milestones, winning awards, or even becoming more popular or influential in the workplace in general. Whatever the case might be, while Jupiter brings opportunities for expansion, it’s still ultimately up to you to take advantage of those opportunities and make the most of them, so be sure to “seize the day,” and act on the inspiration rising within you in the weeks and months ahead!
On November 15th Mars, the warrior, will change signs and move into your home sign of Pisces, after spending most of its time in Aquarius, and the twelfth house, since May. Mars will then square Jupiter in Sagittarius in your tenth house of career on November 19th. After a long gestation period that was marked by inner turmoil and life challenges happening around you, you are now ready to start a new chapter, marked by the desire to assert yourself powerfully in the workplace and accompanied by a renewed sense of strength and confidence. The only warning here is to be careful of egoic inflation or of overextending yourself.
November 17th Mercury turns retrograde in Sagittarius in your tenth house of career in a square to Neptune in your home sign and first house of Pisces. Because this Mercury Retrograde cycle is toned by Neptune, you are seeking personal and professional clarity during a critical transitional period. Be patient with the process. It’s not uncommon to be tested just as we are launching into something new. Most likely this retrograde process will involve making sure you are being understood clearly by others or that you are clearly defining, or refining, a strategy for professional and personal success in the months to come.
Finally, November 22nd into the 23rd, the Full Moon in Gemini in your fourth house of home and family opposes the Sun and Jupiter in Sagittarius in your tenth house of career, while also creating a t-square with Mars in Pisces in your first house. As if there isn’t enough going on for you already, the Full Moon closes off the month by emphasizing the emotional importance of your home life or living situation, of parents and family members, and of the emotional “base” that supports everything you do. The t-square coinciding with this Full Moon will demand that nothing be left out and that the professional and personal changes you are striving so hard to make right now are integrated in a meaningful way with your private life at home.
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