Posted on November 30, 2018 in Pisces
By Henry Seltzer and Adam Elenbaas for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes
This is an active month for you, Pisces, when you are fully energized, as the retrogrades of the past month are ending, in making something happen for you in terms of your values, resources, and finances, as well as your evolving worldview. Sudden fluctuations in these nudge you toward a deeper understanding of your world and the part that you are somehow destined to play in it. The New Moon of December 6th brings a sharp shift in the cosmic weather patterns and brings you the energy to be yourself. Mercury’s simultaneous station could bring old wounds to greater consciousness for integration and healing. You are focused on outer world success, but are coming to some entirely new conclusions about what exactly that entails, given your new spiritual mandate act on what you are truly suited to. You might have come to feel that your work in the world needs to make a deeper chime with who you really are, on the inside.
The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School
December begins right on the heels of Venus in Libra’s recent opposition to Uranus in Aries (November 30th). This transit just took place across second and eighth house axis, highlighting the importance of finances and investments, values and resources and your relationships. Venus/Uranus also brings up themes of independence and innovation, disruption and freedom in relationships, and the month begins with these subjects at the forefront of your experience.
Meanwhile, all month long your tenth house of career is being lit up by transit after transit happening in the sign of Sagittarius, several of which are making squares to Mars and Neptune in your home sign and house of Pisces. Identity and work, reputation and calling, personal direction and creative potential…these are the most pronounced themes in your chart as 2018 ends.
On December 2nd, the Sun in Sagittarius in your tenth house of career squares Mars in Pisces in your first house, bringing a blast of confidence and hard work, ambition and personal sacrifice. You are ready to take one for the team in the workplace, or just as likely you are being asked to lead or take on more responsibility at work. Either way, while it’s a very productive time at work you should be careful of draining or exhausting yourself.
Late evening on December 6th, continuing into the next day, the New Moon in Sagittarius in your tenth house will square the Mars/Neptune conjunction taking place in your home sign of Pisces. With Jupiter having recently entered your career house, it’s truly your year to shine in the workplace, and this New Moon supports the same theme by announcing the start of a new chapter at work. this applies for the next thirty days as well, until the Capricorn New Moon of January 5th. With also a big square from the New Moon to Mars and Neptune in the first house, you are likely feeling somewhat conflicted about how much you must give, or what kinds of compromises or personal sacrifices are worth making.
On December 20th, the Sun in Sagittarius in your tenth house of career will make a trine to Uranus in Aries in your second house, indicating a breakthrough in relation to work or business. You may be gifted with sudden insights or creative opportunities at work, perhaps leading to a promotion or to some greater freedom or flexibility with your work schedule or responsibilities.
On December 21st, Mercury will conjoin Jupiter in Sagittarius in your tenth house, bringing themes of wisdom and learning, expertise and education into the workplace. It’s a great time to find a powerful mentor or to learn something new that might greatly benefit your work. However, be careful of grandiosity, arrogance, exaggeration or self-righteousness. This planetary combination may sometimes bring hot air and bluster, right alongside of a genuinely exciting environment of learning, wisdom, optimism, and good fortune.
On December 24th, Mercury in Sagittarius will then square Neptune in Pisces in your first house, bringing last month’s Mercury Retrograde full circle, back to the place it all got started. As Mercury is the ruler of your fourth house of home and family, as well as your seventh house of marriage and relationships, you are likely trying to work through some degree of personal confusion around your priorities. There are likely lots of voices vying for your attention right now, and it may be difficult to see the forest from the trees, especially during what is likely a very dynamic period of personal and professional growth. Just remember that your own personal truth, needs, and desires matter. Don’t compromise your personal dreams and goals, whatever they might be, simply to satisfy someone else’s agenda for your life!
Other transits to think about this month include the Winter Solstice, on December 21st, when the Sun moves into Capricorn in your eleventh house, and then the Full Moon in Cancer in your fifth house of creativity and children, on December 22nd. These two transits are brief, but they foreshadow the eclipses that will be taking place in the same signs and houses for you in the year ahead. You are on the brink of some significant creative breakthroughs and social/professional changes in the year ahead. It’s a fertile time for you, and yet much will hinge on what long term dreams and goals (11th house/Capricorn) you choose to prioritize in the months ahead. Stay tuned for more on these eclipses next month!
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