Pisces Horoscope for March 2016

Pisces Horoscope for March 2016

Posted on in Pisces |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is an amazing month for you, Pisces, one in which your continuing worldly success becomes a fulcrum for active alterations in self-concept, in synchronization with a notable solar eclipse in your sign. This extra-potent New Moon, made more so by its outer planet connections, takes place near the beginning of the second week of March, on Tuesday, the 8th. Leading up to this time, you are in many ways in preparation for its arrival, which you could experience as a distinct shift, favoring both the impact of important partners upon your life, and, as well, what you receive from deep intuitional wellsprings within. Your recent focus on your outer world contribution expands to your private sphere and personal proclivities where you truly find your life substance. Your concept of where you are heading, a moving target lately, transforms still further in the course of this climactic period of major change.

As the month begins, you are feeling into your self-concept, and as well a potential conflict between public and more private concerns, as indicated by the Last Quarter Moon of March 1st that emphasizes both productive and limiting Saturn, in your career sector, and your ruler, Neptune, located in your identity sector. You may be feeling that as much as you try, you cannot find sustenance for your soul in the work that you do in the world. You might be able to escape this conundrum by an attitude adjustment, whereby the work itself becomes secondary to its inner meaning, for you, in terms of relationship development and understanding.

This includes communicating with your own insides, and trusting what you find deep within yourself. You may be actively seeking real-world certitude, where as a matter of fact, none truly exists, and do better to be going for an interior mandate for growth and transformation that throws such caution to the wind, and takes the reality of change as the only certainty. This month is a volatile one for you, when many things in your life could alter.

This first week of the month also prepares the way for the extremely potent New Moon and solar eclipse in your sign, taking place on Tuesday, March 8th, opposite expansive Jupiter in your opposite sign, indicating that good fortune follows you now, partially as embodied in the deeds of trusted partners.

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