Pisces Horoscope for February 2016

Pisces Horoscope for February 2016

Posted on in Pisces |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is an important and transitional month for you, Pisces, as you work toward establishing a new synthesis into the picture of what you are aiming for in life, with more of what you hold inside. You are quite good right now at outer success. There may be hard work to achieve it, yet career has its rewards for you, and your dedication is extreme. It is only that you feel that there is another side to what you most deeply desire for yourself heading into the future, and that the missing pieces have nothing at all to do with clocks and calendars, or the ups and downs of revenue streams. It has been the input of your own intuition, and as well perhaps the earnest messages from valued partners, that has given you the impetus you need. You are thus attempting the pursuit of a more inclusive life direction as you continue to grow.

As the month begins, you are coming off a period of intense inner searching, accentuated over the final ten days of the previous month, when Mercury was in retrograde through your sector of friendship, goals, and societal connection. You have been looking into where you are headed. In so doing you have also become more conscious of the need for meaningful changes in that sphere of your life and affecting all the others. Now, in this current month, you are feeling the evolutionary pressure upon you. There is a level to your psyche that corresponds to a deep and almost instinctual nature, and it is brought forward by a form of intuition that goes beyond purely logical solutions. You have been getting a taste of what these deeper layers of your experience are all about, and are ready to attempt establishing yourself in new ways.

All this is accentuated by the strong presence of Jupiter in your opposite sign, conjunct the lunar North Node. You are exploring new parts of yourself from the standpoint of how these relate to important partners, in a new way. As you find out more about the one that you are wanting better connection with, you are also discovering more about yourself. Your passion is connected to profound learning, and to your ultimate destiny.

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